Saturday, September 29, 2007

Charriol Bracelet Philippines Cebu

Move - Mudarse (Hikkosu)

Some time ago I reset the blog. But he was not around, or did not convince me how to assemble the articles, or did not like the way to classify the content, or anything, I did not like. After a while thinking and thinking, and making unsuccessful attempts to reset the posts, I finished getting tired and starting the chase ... moving!!

The newspaper of the Angel of the cherry blossom is now simply The angel of the cherry blossom

Little by little ire from the articles and intercalary rearmed with new items.

Thanks to everyone who followed me this far and it will do from now on. Greetings and

I hope to see in 桜 天使

Note: I want to make a special greeting and thanks to Joel, and that just discovered the move and even challenged me for not having warned earlier.