Friday, December 18, 2009

How To Make My Hair Messy Look

Quedada Diciembre09: Fall

This month the theme for the Fall Photo Quedada.
If you want to see many more photographs on the theme of this month, give a tour of the web

Migration Fall

As every year, autumn is the time that gives the starting signal for the migration of birds destined for warmer climates where the winter, and this I saw while walking through Hyde Park on my recent visit to London.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Coke Cooler Hole In One Club

First Birthday Photoviajeros

On this day a year ago, was born this blog. Have been 365 days in which I have added 30 articles and over 300 photos, and although I have not been many articles, I hope that the content you've been writing has been helpful. For next year, the goal I've set it up new items in a more continuous, so to see if they comply.

The first thing I do is thank the 2100 visit that I received on the blog this year, and also to thank all of you who have enriched the blog with your comments, although few, have been a source of important moral that have encouraged me to continue writing.

Taking advantage of this first anniversary, I made a few changes you want to improve navigation and make the blog easier.
Most changes have been internally to improve the visibility of the blog from the Web, and cleansing and management of code.

Externally, I made the following changes to create an environment more "user friendly" and easier to access information that you seek:

  • I've increased the size for blog entries, which have gained space for text, images and maps that can be larger and easier to read.
  • The top menu I have also changed, moving to a new position with new colors that stand out more than the previous ones and reducing the number of lashes. Now from that menu, you can display your blog's main page, access the privacy policy of the site and send an email to my contact address.
  • The sidebar has gone down I left and reorganized its space, adding and deleting items.
  • The footer that did not exist before, now contains a link to my profile and a section where you can learn everything about the license on use of the content of this blog.
    is also another section that I will be using according to the needs of the blog.
  • I changed the image of "going up" to the right of the page and I have added a sliding effect to this process.
  • In the comments, I have made many changes that facilitate their reading, numbering each one of the comments and distinct from the rest of the article and my own comments. In addition, when you add a new comment, and not open another window, since the form below the article and existing comments.
  • I added a bar where you can see some statistics on the blog since its inception, the number of days that he is online, the number of entries and the number of comments made.
  • And finally, one of the most likely changes agradecereis. As you have found every article of this blog is accompanied by many images as a matter of size could not show their original size, so to see them at 100%, had to click on them and watch them a new page.

    From now on, clicking on the images, they will open full size on your own blog without having to open and close lots of tabs or windows when we finished reading the article.
    the moment you can see this effect in a screenshot of the first version of Photoviajeros that has accompanied us so far, the rest of the images I will change gradually.

  • Apart from these, there are some rather than lack of time have been outstanding, but I will be adding by the end of the year.
hope all ye who passed through this blog also accompany me during this year, more additions and the number of comments grow during the second year of Photoviajeros.

Greetings to everyone!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Spotting With A Kidney Infection

Falls Road Aljibe

Route details:

Signage: No signage , forest tracks, paths inconspicuous
Length: 9.4 miles
Duration: 3 hours
circular route : If
out: Roblelacasa
Arrival: Roblelacasa
Minimum altitude: 920 meters
Maximum altitude: 1,100 meters
Difficulty level: Low-Medium (in some areas)

View Road Aljibe Cascades in a larger map

The route I propose this time leads us to the province of Guadalajara, in the path of black people, a popular architectural style used as a building principal the board. In fact, not being a very long route, I recommend visiting some of the people who cross by car from the A2 motorway to the town of Roblelacasa, a small town situated at the foot of the peak Ocejón of no more than 50 people.

If we go from Madrid, you can get both in Burgos motorway (A1) as that of Barcelona (A2). The distance is very similar, about 120-130 km and it takes 2 hours.

If we choose the first option, take exit 76 just past Buitrago del Lozoya.
recommend the second option, go for the A2, is the path I did and on the road until you cross Roblelacasa many towns on the route de la Tejera Negra.

From Madrid we are on the A2 towards Guadalajara and take exit 50 toward Cabanillas del Campo and R2, and then follow the signs to Fontanar, Mohernando, Humann, Tamajón, Campillejo Espinar, and once past this, and before arriving in Campillo de Ranas, we take a road on the left that will take us to Roblelacasa.

Before you decide to do this route, it should signal that has a number of difficulties and obstacles that may not always be overcome and will notify in due time, so it must be borne in mind that depending on the season in which the make, we can not cross the river because the river flow.

begin the route Bowling Square in search of the Fountain Street, which descend to find an indication pointing Matallana wood and the tank.

Following the direction of the arrow, a few minutes we find the source of Roblelacasa, where we turn left along a small walls of slate to meet soon after a cattle gate and cross leaving behind the people of Roblelacasa.

From here, we are guided by an upward path since we have incredible views of Roblelacasa Ocejón with their feet and that leads about 300 meters after a forest track.

About the next 3 km forest road pass by this very strong which makes it impossible to miss. In this section, we Ocejón peak to our left, the village where we started at our backs and the "destination" on the route ahead.

The path took us by flat terrain suddenly begins to descend towards the river Jarama, making the final leg of the fairly steep path (these slopes are the slopes around make you choke on the road doing a little tired.)

At 3.5 miles the trail ends and we have to cross to the other side by a rustic wooden bridge that does not offer many guarantees, but are remodeling, but the truth is I prefer to keep it as is, since it is a attraction of the route.

After crossing the bridge, take the road up to the left and a few meters, practically disappears.

From this point, the route becomes more by intuition than following a set path, but There are parts where it does temporarily will walk more or less defined trails. To not mislead, the only thing to keep in mind is that the river should always be on your left, because depending on the time, to bring about change approaching flow path away from its course.

A little later, going through a rather large prairie devoid of vegetation height can cross at will, but we will try to get through the nearest river.

At 3.5 km, crossing a stream depending on the season, may be more or less difficult wading.

After crossing the stream, so we left to walk between vegetation and follow the course of the river becomes easier.

About 4.75 km and then to walk among large rocks, the river widens and the "valley" on the road widens bastante.Esta is the area where we will try to cross the other side and start the way back just before the Jarama turn right into in a narrow gorge.

Depending on river flow, this may be the final point of the route, because if you can not cross over building side stones and dry land areas are in the midst, we must retrace the path to the bridge that we crossed earlier.
When I did the route in the month of November, we found a zone for which hopping from stone to stone could cross over, and while the flow was low, it took us a while to find a fairly affordable way to cross the river.

If we managed to cross the other side, we will be following the course of Jarama in the paths more or less visible and parallel to the path that we have done before, leaving the river to our left as we did in the opposite bank.

After about 6 km walk, we have a throat to the right that cuts our way, and depending on where we go walking we find more or less difficult, at this time we will have reached the falls of the tank.

the absence of much wealth, waterfalls are not as spectacular as he had seen in photographs, but still the environment of waterfalls and their pools is quite interesting.

After recreate the landscape, follow the road for a trail along the ponds to a considerable height by a narrow ledge on the right.

addition, vegetation cover part of the ledge, so you have to bend down and hold on to some branches in order to overcome this obstacle and continue our journey.

This stretch is quite dangerous because the ledge is not very wide and have a drop of more than 10 meters to our left.

After this installment, we looked for a place to cross the creek that forms the falls of the tank. Again, if the flow is low we can easily cross the other side, otherwise you will have to trace the course of the river to find a place on the cross to the other side, and if not possible, we must find a alternative on a path that leads to the town of Espinar and walk from there to Roblelacasa.

If we got to the other side, we find several more or less defined paths that take us about 20 to 30 minutes after the forest track to the start of the route and take us back to Roblelacasa.

The day I took the route, although it started to rain half way I was lucky and found a huge sign that guided my steps to the end of the route.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

16 Year Old Bday Present

Quedada Noviembre09: Many

Crowd, this is the theme this month for photo bloggers Quedada I have been participating in the last couple of months.

the end, I chose the image below for my participation, but I leave the other four candidates who had photographs to participate in the remainder of November:


Crowd small crystals shape a spectacular glazed Roncesvalles.
This window is in the chapter room of the chapel St. Augustine, and represents Sancho VII "Strong" at the Battle of Navas, in which the two armies, gathered a crowd of more than 200,000 people.
After this battle, the Muslim power in the Iberian Peninsula began its final decline and the Reconquista took a new momentum.

Special Lighting Museo del Prado

A crowd of people come to see the Prado Museum as never seen before.


Lots of windows overlooking the Cantabrian Sea in ballast.


A multitude of colorful cubes, designed by the Basque artist Agustin Ibarrola, protect the port of Llanes.


multitude of snowflakes collapsed Madrid last January 9, 2009.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Chullo Earflap Hat Crochet Pattern -knit

Botanic Garden Madrid

Royal Botanic Garden Madrid is one of the corners of central Madrid to spend more unnoticed by most people, who know that once you cross the entrance, goes into one of the Attractions calm of the capital, an oasis in contrast to the bustle of the metropolis outside. The sounds disappear, climate change and breathe better.

The Botanical Garden is located in the center of Madrid, near the Prado Museum, Retiro Park and the Atocha station, and its entrance is at the Murillo Square, opposite one side of the Museo del Prado.

Location map:

The ticket price is 2 €, although there are price reductions for some cases. Follow this link to see if you can benefit from a discount.

is open daily from 10:00 am, except on December 25 and January 1, but closing time varies depending on the season. To find out exact times, check out this link .

This is one of the most important botanical gardens of Spain, as part of the Superior Council of Scientific and assists in the development of studies on the diversity of plants and fungi, and how his generation and conservation.

Note also his herbarium, the largest and one of the most representative in Europe, which together account for about one million sheets, some of the eighteenth century. How

suggest themselves on websites, have the mission to promote awareness, conservation and enjoyment of plants and their environment, and this is achieved through:

• Scientific research in plants and fungi
• The display of live plants and dried plant conservation in the herbarium.
• Developing educational programs about the plant world for children and adults.

Leaving aside the scientific work is done, this is a place not so well known by tourists visiting the city of Madrid, and I dare say not many of the locals.

I myself knew this corner in my town about 5 years ago when, after having passed through the door many times, one day I decided to visit this unique park.

The question that I will be doing is, what I will find in this place that makes it different from others? Well, once we cross the gates of the Botanical Garden, we find a great variety of plants from around the world that we can hardly find in other parks. Plants Europe, across the Atlantic, or exotic plants from any of the 5 continents coexist in an environment not always conducive to their development, but shown in its full splendor thanks to the care of the maintenance staff.

Botanical Garden can be divided into four parts:
  • terrace tables. In this area there are collections of ornamental, medicinal, aromatic, endemic and garden.

  • Botanical Terrace School. Here is the collection of plant taxonomy.
  • plane of the flower. In this area we can see a wide representation of trees and shrubs.
  • Greenhouses. They can see tropical plants, temperate and desert.

Depending on the time we visit, we will give the impression of seeing a completely different park every time. In spring there is an explosion of color in every corner of the rose and the area of \u200b\u200bornamental plants, while in autumn the leaves of deciduous trees which attract us anywhere in the garden.

exotic area is represented mostly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe greenhouses, where we can find plants from areas as diverse as the great tropical forests or deserts.

In closing, although we are not great lovers of flora, this is a good place to sit and relax from the bustle of the city continues its relentless pace a few feet away, without the burden of other parks nearby such as the removal, surrounding species that takes us to countries distant.

More information on his official website:

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How To Connect Coaxial Cable To Hdmi

Quedada Octubre09: No. 5

With this photograph, participated in the October Photo Quedada blog:
There you can find many more photographs on the theme of this month, the No. 5.

Five Stories

During my visit to New York, I had the opportunity to visit the museum Ellis Island Immigration , situated close to the well-known Statue of Liberty.

At the entrance, you find a row of suitcases, trunks, baskets and lots of equipment that one day belonged to the Europeans who migrated to the call in the early years of the nineteenth century "land of opportunity "United States of America.

I chose this picture and this title because after seeing the museum I understand a little better the hardships of immigration, which made me reflect on the stories kept inside each of these trunks, who had been his own , which had been the grounds that they had always taken the difficult decision to leave their country, leaving behind family and friends and embark into an uncertain future in search of better opportunities for thousands of miles from home.

Unfortunately, this image keeps repeating every day because of war, religious fanaticism, famine or poverty, and thousands of people have to pack their bags and leave keeping in them the story of his life.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Outlook Error Sending

night visit to the Alcazaba de Almería

During the months of July and August, you can enjoy a pleasant night visit to one of the most important monuments of the city of Almería, La Alcazaba.

These visits can be made only Friday nights and Saturdays between 21:00 and 23:00, and also have a theatrical setting in several areas of campus, where we can see jugglers, merchants claiming to come from the Far East ...

Fundamentally, the fortress can be divided into three areas, the first covers the garden area at the entrance there, the second is what is between the wall of the candle and castle walls, from which begins the third enclosure.

Then I leave a short summary of what can be seen in each of the three sites with information drawn from his own website Alcazaba de Almería :

First Site: currently appears garden, although its origin was urbanized by two housing estates and a cemetery.

Second Site: is the core of the Citadel and was a palatial town endowed with all its dependencies: cisterns, mosques, public baths, houses and palaces, with its private and public.

Third Precinct: Christian is a real castle, built on a triangular, round towers and blocks of stone, facing the square towers of mud and masonry Muslim.

addition to what gives us the very citadel itself, worth up to admire the spectacular views that are on the city and bay from this hill.

The price can not remember, but I think it was free or something symbolic (1 € or 2 € per person) to assist in the maintenance, so this can not be an excuse not to know the monument to the moonlight.

can find more information on Citadel's official website: