Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Jeffrey Dahmer Borderline Personality Disorder

Segundo Cumpleaños Photoviajeros

Building on the 2 nd year of life of this blog, I've made some changes to it to try to facilitate the search for the items and organizing the blog focused on 3 broad categories:

  • Travel: items places outside Spain.
  • Routes: articles related to hiking trails.
  • Breaks: articles on places of the Iberian Peninsula.
This, no doubt seen a new menu just above entries from which you can access all the articles from each of the categories mentioned above.

Blog The main menu has also changed, incorporating new tabs that provide access to new elements and others that already existed but were not very visible:

  • Gallery: from here you can access all image galleries that accompany each of the items and see the exact location of most of the photographs.
  • Article Index: because as its name implies, is an index of all articles sorted by category, that way it will be easier to locate all items related to the same place.
  • This is me: from this section you will see some information about me, my tastes, interests ...
Also new are the lists of the last three items added each of the 3 categories that I commented. To view them, you just have to go to the bottom of the page by clicking on the arrow above all right.

Other changes have been designing a new "makeover" I hope you enjoy and make your visit more enjoyable Blog.

assessment of this year 2010 can not be more satisfying, and thanks to Google Analytics, I could draw the following statistics:

  • Over 7000 visits , a 240% increase over last year!
  • Last October, for the first time Blog had over 1000 hits a month , a figure that has continued to increase until November 1500. Readers
  • more than 50 countries.
  • Longer half each time someone comes to read an article, have actually increased by 180% the number of items that each of you read each time you access the Blog.
For all this I can only say THANKS! and I am glad that what I write to be useful for most of you.

Many will say, it seems fine to me entertain you to change the look of the blog, or comment on the visits this year, but I'm interested in what the content, which is really what you look for when enta to any web.

Well, in this third year and once finished the monograph on New York, it's the turn of Italy and Central London (to see if I have time at all lol).

In Italy we will go from the monumental Rome to Florence , the cradle of European art and culture, to other places like Siena medieval or romantic Venice among others.
All other travel articles will focus on London, Bratislava and Budapest , plus some surprises that keep me in the ink;)

With respect to the other two categories, Routes and Trips, Galicia and Asturias form the bulk of the items this year. For the moment

that's all, thank you again your views and comments, to encourage you also to aportéis more information on each site that appears in articles through your comments and we go together this third year of Photoviajeros, because as have seen in the summary of "future items" for a while there Photoviajeros!

Greetings to everyone!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Whooping Cough Or Normal Cough

Sierra del Rincon - Hayedo de Montejo

In the area further north of the Community of Madrid, we have the Sierra del Rincón, a consortium of small towns which houses the largest beech forest in southern Europe, which together with its varied flora and fauna species threatened with extinction, has earned the recognition of a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO.

To get to the Sierra del Rincón, the best option is to take the A1 motorway (Madrid-Burgos) and deviate at Exit 67 marking to Lozoyuela and Manjiron (M-135), following this road to the dam of town, where we will make our first stop.

This is one of the reservoirs that supply water to the capital of Spain and the Community of Madrid, in fact, is the oldest functioning of this community, serving since 1873 .

An interesting historical fact is that the dam that holds water Lozoya dome was the first dam in the world, that became a benchmark in the waterworks of its time, since this way the curvature of the dam structure helps to better resist the enormous pressures side.

From the top of concrete wall 50 meters high, we can see the bridge from the villa, built over the gorge that has been forming during centuries of erosion Lozoya, where they currently common to see people practicing canoeing.

After this stop, continue along the M-135 to Paredes de Buitrago, where we will take the M-127 for a while to find the M-137, will continue in the direction Prádena Rincon and Montejo de la Sierra, people who can visit before going to the beech and in which we can contemplate the typical local architecture, stone houses with slate roofs.

Once in Montejo de la Sierra, look for the Resource Centre and Information of the Biosphere Reserve of Sierra del Rincón in Calle Real n º 64, where it received authorization allowing us to visit the Montejo Beech Forest .

We strongly recommend that a reservation request via the website or calling the telephone numbers displayed on the same page, and that although the visit is free and guided, there are bag limits and often people have trouble getting authorization due to the amount of people who want to visit the Beech.

have all the information about booking and cell

clicking here Once we have this document, we can go to the beech forest, located about 8 miles along the M-139, road to find a couple of miles later out of Montejo de la Sierra.

When we arrive, we went to the Beech Center, where he will deliver the authorization and we will assign one of the guides to start the visit.

Also at this time, we report different guided tours that are in the beech, the duration of each ... and depending on the people who have can choose between several routes.

The route I chose is called River Trail, and runs along the banks of the Jarama at approximately 1:15.
not have any difficulty and allows us to envision oak, beech and mixed.

During the visit, the guide tells us about the microclimate that has allowed the formation of a beech forest in an area far south of the most common places where we can find a deciduous vegetation Similarly, more common among Central European countries.

Among many interesting facts, speaks fauna and flora, much of it protected, which can be found on the beech, and have made the visits are so restricted. Beech

over 20 meters and 250 years, oak, birch or holly are part of this great forest, where we can find species such as wild cats, wild boar, roe deer, otters and a variety of waterfowl.

The tour finishes on a huge esplanade where you can see the remains where they were once the charcoal all the dead wood gathered from the forest and burned to produce charcoal to heat the homes of all region.

From here you return to the same way talking to the guide, which answers all the doubts that have arisen from his explanations, and reminds us that it is forbidden to collect any sample of any plant or animal we see, littering and generally all things that way should not usually be done in a protected location like this.

At the exit of beech, there is an area for rest and food to tables, fountains and containers, where they took the opportunity to invigorate and lie down for a while under the pine trees over 15 meters.

After a few moments of relaxation, we decided to make a new route through the surrounding beech forest in the area not is restricted. You can see all the options in the self-guided trails section of the website

In any of the routes listed, we can continue to enjoy the sights that gives us the beeches either along the course of the Jarama, between forest floor carpeted with ferns, or walking among pine trees for their space in an area dominated by beech.

To finish the day, before returning to Madrid, we stopped in Puebla de la Sierra, a small town of just 110 inhabitants located almost 1200 meters altitude and accessed from the corner Prádena a road with spectacular views, while dangerous. In fact, this road runs in some sections for altitudes above 1600 meters, so it is quite normal to stay in solitary confinement several times with the arrival of the snow.

If a recommended time to book your visit to the beech, this is the fall, as from October to December the different areas of beech are changing the shade of the trees from green to reddish, to finish covering the ground with a huge carpet of dead leaves just outside of winter.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

How Much Hair For A Full Head

Ermita de San Juan de Gaztelugache Vizcaya Suspension Bridge

A few kilometers out Machichaco, we found a small chapel built on a rocky peninsula that is accessed by climbing the 200 steps that separate the mainland.

is located on the Biscay coast, halfway between the towns of Bakio and Bermeo, so that we will reach BI-631 road from Bilbao to Bermeo, later followed by bi- 3101 Bakio direction.

View larger map

A recommended stop before going to the chapel, is Machichaco Cape, where we see the lighthouse and an overview of this area of \u200b\u200bthe Biscay coast, including the shrine of San Juan to which we are headed.

After this stop, we Bakio direction, and about 3 miles later, we find an iron sculpture that marks the place where we take an exit to the right that will lead us to the small parking lot at the foot of the stairs to the chapel.

Before arriving, we see that there are qualified small parking areas, since most likely all the way down you should find parking, so it is best to leave the car here and download the latest 300 or 400 meters walk while enjoying the views of the island with the chapel on its top and double arch formed by the force of water that has been eroding the rock of the island.

Once we are in the parking lot before climbing the stairs, we can see right Machichaco Cape we have been in a few minutes ago and to the left, an impressive rock cliffs in the days of heavy surf, the water breaks with fury.

At this point, we have to start driving by the stone bridge that leads to the narrow dirt road where we found several flights of stairs and a gazebo where you stop to rest and recreate the landscape.

During ascent, the ordeal will see several stations located in some corners of the road, and having their last stop at the top next to the chapel.

There are several curiosities, rituals and traditions to those who come up to the hermitage:

  • One is given to the shrine three times for luck.
  • Another speaks of the visitors / pilgrims who reach the top, must play three times hood to make a wish or drive away evil spirits.
  • tradition also tells the San Juan Bautista landed in this area of \u200b\u200bthe Basque country, leaving several tracks in the area, one in the last step before reaching the shrine, so they say that if we put in place in it, an iron will.

Opposite the door of the chapel, there is a hostel where as a curiosity, we have a doorless shower room and separate from the rest of the building by a wall, which simply a hole in the ground from which we can see the ocean about 100 feet below. Already

either by the stunning views of the Cantabrian coast, its traditions, or simply because they know a place in our country, the hermitage of San Juan de Gaztelugache is a 100% recommended for a getaway.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Can You Get A Tan In Feb In Hawaii

Located almost at the mouth of the River Nervión (Vizcaya), this bridge connects the towns of their margins, Portugalete and the district of Getxo sands, through a transporter bridge saving around road over 20 miles.

View larger map

Opened in 1893, was the first such bridge built in steel structures throughout the world, and allowed the transfer from one bank to another by facilitating communications between two locations without affecting the navigation of one of the busiest ports in Europe the time.

The design of the bridge is Alberto de Palacio, the architect of the Glass Palace Retiro Park, the headquarters of the Bank of Spain and the Atocha train station, all in Madrid .

What made it unique to this bridge, was the result of the union of the iron bridges, suspension bridges subjects with steel cables, and the ingenious mechanism for transporting people and cargo from one bank to another.

Basically, the bridge consists of four towers, two on each bank of the river holding two horizontal beams on which the rails are mounted on a carriage that moves the car from which hangs in which crosses from one side to another.

If you do not have much dizzy and I feel like walking across the catwalk above the rails where to find the basket, you can go by either panoramic elevators located in each of the banks . There
bear in mind that they are 61 meters high and 160 meters walk, which must be added the Rolling Bridge gets when the car is cruising or days of strong wind.

have more information on the bridge and fares on its website:

One of the most interesting options section of the webcam, live where you can see the bridge and the surrounding villages from any of 10 preset camera views:

NOTE: In order to view the webcam, you need a browser that supports Java. In internet explorer is working fine.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Homemade Minni Sand Rail

Butron Castle Guide New York

just 20 km from Bilbao, the capital of the province of Vizcaya, this is a medieval fortress that has witnessed centuries of bloody battles between noble the area, Gamboinos, who were the owners of the castle, and Onacinos.

To reach the castle from Bilbao follow the directions on the highway BI-631 towards Mungia, and once there take the exit Mungia direction and Gatika (BI-634).

follow this road which runs along the river for about 6 km, you will see a sign indicating the entrance to the road that will take you to the parking lot from which to access the castle by crossing a small bridge.

View larger map

Surrounding the castle is a forest of oaks and other exotic species such as palms or even a giant sequoia 45 meters that give it a look halfway between the exotic and mysterious.

I can give no real input prices as I was in 2004, but I remember it cost about 5 € to 6 €, depending on whether we get the entry clearance or the tour.

recommend the latter, as the economic difference is not large and will explain the history of the castle, the battle between the nobles who lived and those of rival families ... all audiovisual elements and recreated with actors dressed in period costumes that give life to everyday scenes of life in the castle.

During the visit we can see interior spaces such as the chapel, guard rooms, dungeons ... and we can walk the outer parts of the castle, where we can closely observe the impressive main tower, built on the ruins of the original tower that gave rise to the castle in the eleventh century, when there arose a typical medieval tower on the former home of the Butrón.

was in the fourteenth century when the tower was transformed into a castle-fortress, coinciding with the height of fighting between Gamboinos and Onacinos.

early sixteenth century and when the conflict between the two families are winding down, the castle begins a process of abandonment and decay that reaches the nineteenth century, when it is restored by the Marquis of Cubas, which inspired by the great castles of Bavaria adding battlements and windows largest cause falls into the current appearance.

From the outside areas of the castle can also view the lush forest that surrounds it, including the huge 45-meter sequoia.

Among the stories the guide told us there is one that is present most of the way, and that of a prisoner who is said to listen to her complaints in a well accessed through one of many passages for those who walk.

Some of the interior rooms can be reserved for the celebration of various events such as conferences, meals or even weddings, since they are fully equipped and rehabilitated.

recommend a visit to a castle that has nothing to do with architecture typical of other strengths of the region, and located just 30 minutes from Bilbao.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rent Rock Climbing Wall Cost

From here you can access each of the articles I've been writing about my trip to New York.
After the presentation, you can find the index that will take you directly to the article seleccioneis.

This is a planning a trip of 10 days based on my trip of 2008:

Before you go, a few tips to prepare for the trip on our own: Preparing a trip to New York. ..

Day 1: Arrival at the airport, transfer to hotel and walk around Times Square
Times Square

Day 2: Harlem, Columbia University Columbus Circle

Harlem Columbus Circle

Day 3: Ferry to Staten Island, Financial District, Brooklyn Bridge and up to Empire State
Staten Island Ferry

Financial District Brooklyn Bridge Empire State

Day 4: American Museum of Natural History, Central Park and NBA game at Madison Square Garden
American Museum of Natural History
Day 5: Flatiron Building, Fifth Avenue Public Library, St. Patrick Cathedral, Rockefeller Center and climb the Empire State Building at dusk Fifth Avenue

Day 6: Macy's Parade on Thanksgiving Day, Chinatown, Little Italy, Soho, Greenwich Village, Broadway Musical and Grand Central Station
Macy's Parade
Chinatown, Little Italy, Soho and Greenwich Village Broadway Musical

Grand Central Station

Day 7: Chrysler Building, UN Headquarters, Midtown East, MoMA and climb the Top of The Rock at dusk
Chrysler Building
UN Headquarters
Midtown East
Top of the Rock Observatory
Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)

Day 8: Metropolitan Museum and Central Park

Metropolitan Museum Central Park

Day 9: Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island
Statue of Liberty Ellis Island

Day 10: last minute shopping and transfer to airport

The following links will take you to each of the maps that guide you through some of the areas of New York: Harlem

: Maps

Financial District:
Pier 17 and the Brooklyn Bridge: Maps

Chinatown, Little Italy, Soho and Greenwich Village: Maps

5 Av: Maps

Midtown East: Maps

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kenneth Gordon Paintings

Preparing a trip to New York

Whenever we undertake the organization of a trip on our own, hundreds of doubts assail us.

Issues such as date of travel, how much flying or stay in the city, the necessary documentation, how to get around on public transport, the price of tickets, food ... We can be a headache if we have to find all that information from scratch.

To try to make that task easier and less burdensome, here are some very useful data with which to make travel arrangements and avoid unpleasant surprises once in the city or even before reaching it.

What are the dates going?:

This is a city that offers attractions regardless of the date of the year in which the visit.

quite hot in summer due to moisture which gives its location on the Hudson Bay, is also frequent lightning storms. The average temperature ranges from 19 º and 30 º maximum.

Winter is very cold and it snows often, you have to add the wind can deepen the feeling of cold. The average temperature is between -3 ° and 3 ° maximum.

The best dates to travel are spring and autumn when the weather is more moderate, but more than likely to rain at least one day of travel.

Therefore, clothing should bring "a little bit of everything" to meet the changes of time gives us the city overnight.

If what you care about is that there are many tourists, things are more complicated, because the city is one of the most travel the world at any time of year, but certainly are summer and Christmas when people are more saturation in the streets of New York.


order to travel to the U.S., we need an electronic passport has to be in force during our stay in the U.S..

If your trip is not going to exceed 90 days, is not necessary to apply for a visa.

addition, since last March 20, 2010 you MUST complete the form ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization), the electronic system for travel authorization, the same form rellenabamos before the flight, now costs $ 14 and we must complete and submit at least 72 hours before our arrival in New York.

From this link you can access the web where to apply and fill in this Authorisation: https: / / /


bring you a fright before the ticket prices to New York, combiene remember that we almost 5800 km apart and about 8 hours of flight, so the price has to go according to distance.

There are 3 airports that fly to New York JFK, La Guardia and Newark airports. Virtually all companies
fly from Spain to New York, either directly from Madrid or Barcelona, \u200b\u200bor by calling at other European cities like Paris or London.

The price range is very large and can range from 350 € to 2000 €, but those are extreme cases of oversupply and cheap to more expensive companies.

A good price range for a roundtrip flight nonstop would be between 500 € and 800 €.

To give you an idea, my flight from i / v from Heathrow to Newark with Continental Airlines on a plane quite comfortable, individual screen in the seat where you can choose the music, movies or games you want and two meals, cost me € 540.

Without doubt, the best way to get a good price is getting tickets well in advance, or if our work / study permit us, our vacation to adjust the dates to find the best deals to fly.

Once we arrived, we expected the lottery office, where we will have to pass the relevant security checks on the likelihood that you retain a thorough check book for over an hour is almost 50% .

If we were lucky, and only we have to take some means of transportation to our hotel.

To go from the airport to Manhattan, we have several options, regardless which airport you arrive:

Metro / train: one of the cheapest and probably faster because we avoid the traffic jam access Manhattan.
Bus: surely is the cheapest, but we have a traffic problem, but if we stayed in a suburb like Brooklyn or New Jersey, this may be a good option.
Taxi: as in any other city, is the most expensive option. There are more ways

to go into Manhattan such as Limousine, private taxis and vans, but the more "normal" are the three I mentioned above.

As for prices, I leave a link from which you get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat each means of transport costs depending on which airport you arrive: & id = 43634

From the official website of the Port Authority of New York (in English), you can see all the options for transport from any airport


If something is missing in Manhattan are places where to stay. Depending on what you'll want to spend you can choose a few star hotels or spendest to $ 12,000 per night in one of the most exclusive hotels.

A good option coming out pretty good price to rent an apartment, although you would have to inform you whether it is possible to rent if you will be less than a month since I read not long ago that the mayor of New York wanted to prohibit apartment rentals for periods of less than 30 days.

As always, the cheapest option is the B & B or Hostels.

elijáis elijáis what I would recommend that if possible, your property was in the Midtown area, where more than 50% of places you will visit, and so take to walk to places like Times Square or the Empire State.

, 2008 During my trip, I chose an apartment for 6 people in the Chelsea Star Hotel, located directly opposite Madison Square Garden and Penn Station, where you can take a lot of subway lines, train and bus, and is about 15 to 20 minutes walk from the most important places in Manhattan.

cost us $ 514 each for a stay of 9 nights in a large room with 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom.

I leave the link in case you want to take a look:


Although I recommend you to walk 100% as possible through the streets of the city to soak in his life and his relentless pace, there are places where it is impossible to reach if not public transport.

My advice is that you carry forth the Metrocard that best suits the day throughout the trip, because with it you can ride all Metro and Bus Sometimes you want in the period of validity of itself.
can buy in the metro stations, tourist office on Seventh Avenue or Grand Central Terminal.

A summary of the prices of the cards used most:

  • 1 Day: $ 8
  • 7 days: $ 27
  • 14 days : $ 51
  • 30 days: $ 89

current prices and fees on the official website of Transport Yorkers (in English):

The fastest way to get around New York is the Metro, which operates 24 hours a day, has 26 lines and about 475 stations covering most of the city.

Almost all the lines go from north to south, towards Uptown (to the north area of \u200b\u200bManhattan) or downtown (to the lower part of the island), and there are two types meters, the locals who stop at all stations and the expresses, which is only done in the main.

At first a bit difficult to identify them, so it is best choose the locals, but at 2 or 3 days and we will be able to differentiate and to choose whether we should be a local or express.


The range of culinary possibilities in New York is really awesome, being able to find restaurants that are typical dishes from the five continents, all thanks to the enormous ethnic and cultural diversity that coexists in city.

Without doubt, the best known are the fast food stalls, delis or American food premises, places frequented if we want to be going well the budget out of hand.

One issue to consider is the tips. The waiters in New York have a very low base salary and get most of it through the tips, so you'll have to add between 15% and 20% extra to the amount in the account, although there places that you already be reflected in the same account, so be careful.

Actually this is not mandatory, so it's up to each one the choice to leave or not to tip.

Then I'm going to leave some places to eat and that I liked, if anyone catches you near or pass any of:

  • Friday's in Times Square: $ 25
  • Andrews Coffee Shop: $ 11 (35 st. - 7th Av) typical American breakfast to start the day with energy.

  • Primesburguer: $ 15 (next to St Patrick Cathedral) Burgers small but very rich.
  • Waberly Restaurant: $ 18 lunch, $ 5 snack (385 Ave of the Americas). Apple pie and burgers very good.

addition to these sites, you can not miss classics such as Wendy's, Gray's Papaya, eat at a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown, buying a takeaway coffee and some donuts in the Donkin Donuts, or take a hot dog in a street stall.

Some prices:

  • card New York Pass 7 days: $ 165
  • Entry NBA game at Madison Square Garden: $ 60
  • Entrance to Broadway: $ 60
  • American Breakfast: $ 11
  • Puppy in street vendor: $ 3
  • Water Bottle: $ 2
  • Pint of beer: $ 5
  • Polo Ralph Lauren: $ 45
  • Boots Timberland: $ 75
  • Converse: $ 38
  • Jeans Levi's 501: $ 40
  • T-Shirt Abercrombie: $ 36
To buy, if you go a few days I do not think that compensates go somewhere Outlet, as it is possible to find good prices in places like Chinatown, Soho or department stores like Macy's or Century 21.
For example, in the latter can get a 11% discount card by presenting your passport at the "Customer Center" on the ground one and a half of the store (looks but there really kidding).

Other tips:

Money U.S. currency is the dollar, currently at an exchange rate of 1 € = $ 1.28, representing approximately 28% discount when making change currency.

If we do not want to change to dollars, we can withdraw money at any of the thousands of ATMs around the city, or pay directly by credit card, and who accept virtually 100% of the establishments.

Insurance: like many you have read or heard, get bad in the U.S. is very expensive, and without a social security system, everything works through private insurance companies, so it is advisable to hire some kind of health insurance that just ruin us if we avoid the misfortune of breaking an arm. The average price around 30 € - 50 €.

Electricity and voltage: throughout the United States electrical power operates at 110-120 volts, 60 Hz In addition, the plug connector is flat, so you need to buy a transformer with American plug that allows us to charge our devices electronic.