Sunday, May 30, 2010

When Will Doctor Approve Of Bunionnette Surgery

Radio City Christmas Spectacular, New York

This holiday show that has more than 75 years, is one of the most important Christmas traditions in New York City, and proof of this are more than 62 million people have seen since 1933, the year of first representation.

If you want to see videos, pictures or know more about this show, you can visit their official website:

The Radio City Music Hall, is part of the Rockefeller Center, and is considered the most important theater in the U.S.. With nearly 6000 seats when it opened in 1932 was the largest theater in the country.

The theater is decorated in Art Deco style, like much of the Rockefeller Center complex, which helped him in 1978 was declared tourist attraction in the city of New York, becoming it one of the main attractions of the city.
Radio City Christmas Spectacular, held during important events such as galas Grammys, the Emmys or the MTV awards.

An interesting point is that the system of cranes and pulleys used in your scenario became one of the most advanced country, so the U.S. Navy incorporated a hydraulic system similar in construction of aircraft carriers during the Second World War.

There are guided tours of its facilities with prices ranging between $ 10 and $ 18.50, but we prefer to enter this legendary theater, a place where big concerts have taken place throughout history and where we meet another goal of our trip, go to a musical in the city of musicals.

What other music could be better than seeing the longest-running show on stage Yorkers the day of thanksgiving in the year of its 75 th anniversary? For without doubt the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, so we went to Times Square in search of entries in the TKTS booth, where you can get tickets for that day in almost any Broadway show discounts of up to 50%.

is very interesting to try out the entries here, because to us even at a discount We went for $ 52.50.

After taking the tickets, we go to Radio City to wait in line, which oddly enough will quickly disappear, and they're nearly 6000 seats that are on the inside.

The first impression when you walk is amazing, you're a huge stage shaped sunset, many seats and 2 or 3 plants with enough capacity amphitheaters, and all tickets sold.

The lights go out and start the show begins to play music and the scene suddenly opens and looks like up a platform with full orchestra.

When the curtain rises, a huge movie screen covers the entire back of the stage, and you know it's a movie screen because they're sitting in a theater, because the quality with which they appear landscapes, places and scenery to throughout the show is simply spectacular (how come there's the Radio City Christmas Spectacular ?)

The Rockettes, a perfectly synchronized group of girls who are the soul of the show make an appearance on stage pulling the sled Santa Claus, who comes out for the city of New York.

Soon after, see a 3D movie which shows Santa's journey from the North Pole to New York, where he displayed some of the most famous monuments like the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State to reach its destination, the Radio City Music Hall, when the film ends 3D and continues the show on stage.

At this point begins the story around which turn the rest of the show, two brothers who hope Christmas differently. The little sister has not lost the illusion of Christmas, while his older brother into question the existence of Christmas and Santa Claus himself.

appears under the Christmas tree is piled toys that come alive with music background Nutcracker.

Below is one of the most famous numbers, the dance of the tin soldiers.

The next scene takes us to the door of Radio City, where we will take a bus tour that will give us a tour of some of the most tourist areas ...

through the skating rink in Central Park ...

and ending in Times Square, where the Rockettes give us another of their perfect choreography.

After that, the story moves to the North Pole, where Santa will teach children the place where all toys are manufactured in one of the most spectacular numbers.

The show ends with a live nativity scene, which are slowly getting all the same components to form the image that we all know the Nativity scene.

90 minutes have passed and we get the corresponding picture to capture the moment and place for a few hours we have been transported at this stage of our childhood.

Before leaving, give a tour of the huge lobby that gives evidence of the grandeur of the theater that houses behind.

Once in the street before we left, we take a last look at one of the most important theaters in the world who have performed many of the largest, such as Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Bill Cosby, José Carreras, Ray Charles, BB King and Liza Minnelli.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mtx Jackhammer Subs With Amp

Chinatown, Little Italy, Soho and Greenwich Village

After watching a while the Macy's parade, we got the subway to Canal Street station, just on the border between the neighborhoods of Tribeca, Chinatown and Soho.

View Chinatown, Little Italy, Soho and Greenwich Village in a larger map

Just outside the subway station at Canal Street, we started to walk towards the left, led by the first stores with Chinese characters.

we were not intending to buy unless he saw any really good imitation, but in the windows or in the store, had no visible bags, clothing or belts imitation of the expensive brands, but we read by questioned on internet for them if you taught them, so that's what we did, ask for a particular model of Gucci bag or brand of the same level and the clerk gave us a signal that we followed.

We reached the end of the store and suddenly pulls a perch of one of the displays of clothing and opens a door that invites us to pass.
went in and we walk through boxes stacked so it looks like the store.
we went down stairs and a room about 2x2 meters, with more stacked boxes and walls covered in sheets.

All this road does talking with a walkie talkie in Chinese with someone who looks like he is giving directions from the other side.

waited for about 3 minutes in this tiny room and when we began to think strange things, from behind one of the sheets on the wall, a separate Chinese calls us to enter through another secret door that opens by pulling a rope soil looked like a piece of string pulled, but actually was the "mechanism" for opening the access door to a room about 10 meters long by about 3 as wide where they had exposed a lot of bags, belts and more a snap of the most exclusive brands.

After this store, we entered another 2 or 3, more than anything in plan bet to see who could guess what was the secret door to the "lavish party" Store.

the end, someone in the group bought a bag of imitation at a very good price, more than a 60% discount on the original, but 100% identical to the truth.

After entering these illegal underworld of Chinatown shops, follow daylight walking down Canal Street and seeing the windows in which imitation watches are exhibited or fish stores and board where they had the typical Peking duck hanging in the windows and many more products that stood out.

few streets later, we come to Mulberry Street, where he set up a market fruit and vegetables in the selling of certain products not seen in life.

the next street we passed is Mott Street, which as you can see in the picture, we move completely to China. All signs, posters and 90% of the pedestrians are Chinese, so if someone then goes on to say that we were in Beijing or Shanghai instead of New York, would have believed him without hesitation.

continue to Confucius Plaza, where is the arch through which you access the Manhattan bridge.

A then go down a little to Hester Street Bowery, where they begin to see the few buildings in Little Italy that have not succumbed to the expansion of nearby Chinatown.

take this amount of restaurants and fast food outlets in the area to regain strength, so we entered a tiny china food restaurant where we ate very well for little money, and best of all was the contrast of eating in the heart of Little Italy in one of the many local Chinese have been invading the Italian stronghold of Manhattan to reduce it to a couple of streets.

After lunch, we returned Canal Street to see stores across the street we had left without seeing the morning as we walked to the next neighborhood of the city that we had to visit Soho.

We were walking up to Greene Street, although it may rise above any street as Mercer Street and of course, Broadway.
Top wandering this area is going to visit the many shops there and to discover the facades with metal ladders that have become so well known in this neighborhood.

During the decades of 60 and 70, this was an area dedicated to artists and art galleries, which became an area degraded of the city occupied by abandoned factories into lofts and spacious galleries.

This meant that the rents will skyrocket, thus taking most galleries and artists and converting the area, once again, to make way for restaurants, fashion shops and homes of the new city yuppies .

At the height of Broome Street, on the right we see a building that catches our attention.

do not know if a building is important, use it or anything, but its facade is one of the most spectacular of all the SoHo and probably the entire city of New York. Is located at the intersection of Broome Street to Broadway.

From here we walked down Broadway, where many shops are concentrated in the most prestigious brands located in the famous buildings with the fire escape on the facade.

Brodaway In this section, there are several buildings that make a real outdoor architectural museum. Among them, perhaps the best known is the Little Singer Building, Art Deco style and was owned by the owner of the famous brand of Singer sewing machines.

Before leaving, we passed the door of Angelika Film Center & Café, a unique building that has 6 rooms in which films are independent films.

From here, continue walking through Greenwich Village, a residential area like Harlem with tree-lined streets and low-rise buildings where strangely there is no traffic overwhelmed the rest of the city.

If you want to enjoy a jazz concert, this is your area, because here is where many of the most important jazz clubs in the city.

Right in the middle of this quarter and marking the beginning of 5 th avenue, we find the Washington Square Park, a small park full of squirrels and is home to the triumphal arch dedicated to George Washington.

Before ending our way through Greenwich Village, we passed the Jefferson Market Garden, a small park in which stands the building that houses the library, a former women's jail and courthouse, the Jefferson Market Library .

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Awesome Basketball Warm Up Songs

Macy's Parade in New York on Thanksgiving Day Road Laguna

The fourth Thursday of November, the U.S. held one of its most important holidays, on Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Day.

This is a very familiar conclusion that U.S. citizens gather the whole family and friends to spend together this day around the dish of this celebration, a large roasted turkey accompanied by a delicious feast.

In the city of New York, this event does not go unnoticed, as it coincides with this day is celebrated many festivals, exhibitions and events, among which the parade was organized by Macy's.

This parade was first organized in 1924 by a group of employees of these stores, and such was his acceptance by all city residents The shop announced that it would become an annual event.

The parade begins each year on Thanksgiving at 9:00 am at 77th Street and Central Park West, next to the Museum of Natural History, and right there you can see the inflation of balloons the day before between 16:00 and 20:00.

From here, begins its journey down Central Park West to Columbus Circle, the place where we saw it, then follow Broadway to the big stores Macy'sa the height of the street 34. A total of 3 hours of travel.

Parade consists of giant helium balloons famous cartoon characters, floats, marching bands, dancers and clowns who parade through the streets of Manhattan to celebrate Thanksgiving Day, and ends at noon at the center of the city where there is usually a concert and several celebrities who give the go-ahead to the Christmas sales.

In fact, early on Thanksgiving day to Friday, takes place on Black Friday, one night shopping sprees, as the shops open at 00:00 with discounts of up to 80%, causing long queues at the shops to get real bargains.

If you are going to be in New York on those dates, you can take a while to see this parade, but I notice that is really full of people at 6:00 in the morning is waiting to get a good seat.

aguantéis do not think the 3 hours it lasts, because it gets a bit heavy if you are not in the front row and it is quite overwhelming in the amount of people coming.

I have read figures of over 1 million people watching the parade "in situ" and about 45 million through television, so more or less you can have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe repercussion this event in the United States.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Vista Eye-toy Drivers


Route details:

Signage: forest tracks, paths marked by milestones inconspicuous stone
Length: 14 km
Duration: 5 hours
Circular route: If
Departure: Port of Cotos
Arrival: Port of Cotos
Minimum altitude: 1,835 meters
Maximum altitude: 2,250 meters
Degree of difficulty: Low to mid-level sections

View Laguna de los Pajaros Route in a larger map

This route runs through the natural park of criminal court, which are the highest levels of the Community of Madrid, so before you decide to do this route, it notice that depending on the time of the year in which perform the difficulty changes from being low in summer to a high level if we try it in winter and without the proper equipment.

To reach the port of reserves, which is where the route begins and ends, the two best options are to go by car or train.

If we go by car from Madrid the shortest route is to take the A6 and take exit 39 toward to Navacerrada (M601). Then we will be guided by signs to Puerto de Navacerrada, and once there we take the road out to the right towards the Port of Preserves and Rascafría (M604). It takes about an hour, which is only 70 km from Madrid, although it should be a bit up early because the parking is very large for the amount of people and fills up quickly.

If we do not want to drive by the parking problems, it is best in close up (line C9), with great views of the mountains on their way from Cercedilla.

Another important aspect is that the route in glorious Peñalara Natural Park, where many species protected, so before you go is essential to have clear rules for public use in the park:

Having read and understood all above, we can only prepare to start the route.

started in the Casa del Parque, where can we get information about other routes, recommendations for the visit, etc..

From here begins a gentle climb along a track surrounded by pine forest that few minutes later we find a source.

A little later, we arrived at the Mirador de la Gitana, from where we can see the Sierra de la Cuerda Larga.

is also just across the water tank, where we step on the path to your right there. This path is also known as Way of Water.

This area is very simple and has no loss. Surrounded by pine trees started but gradually we see how it changes the vegetation to shrubs and other species of less importance.

The path runs along the hillside, allowing us to get a good view of the summits of the Ball of the World, as long as the fog permitting.

At this point, the road is common with which goes to the Laguna Grande de Peñalara, but not for long.

After a shift to the left, the stream of Criminal Procedure, which descends directly from the Laguna Grande of the same name.

crossed the bridge that passes over the river to face the toughest climb of the entire journey. It is a narrow path of gravel and loose rocks about 500 meters long in which climb over 100 meters.

Once up, we find an indication of the way forward to reach the Lagoon Birds in which appears an estimated duration of 1:30 for the trek.

From this point, we took a well-defined path that only lasts a few hundred meters, but then we can lead us either by stone milestones that mark the way forward.

About 15 minutes later, capping a ridge from which we can see the area called "Five Lakes", which in spring is full of small lakes due to melting.

If you do the route in the spring, we can also see large fields with the melting Falls are going to stop the glacier lagoons that dot this part of the course.

The rest of the way to the lake of the birds is fairly flat and should have no more difficulty in a normal day, but when I did, from the Five Lakes area of \u200b\u200bthick fog enveloped us that did not allow us greater visibility to 10 meters, so finding the landmarks of stone was a very complicated task in many places.

In fact, we had to stand on several occasions to guide, or waiting for someone to come in the opposite direction or taking advantage of scarce minutes when the fog lifted a little in order to continue the journey.

Such was the fog that once we got to the Lake of the Birds, we were not aware of it until we were walking a few meters from the shore, so we decided to move up a bit and wait half an hour to see if the fog lifted, and the wait was rewarded.

When the fog finally decided to give us a longer truce, we climbed a bit further down the road that leads to the Risco of the Birds and the Passage of the Carnations in order to contemplate the lake in peak.

From this point, if the views of the lagoon were for recreation, the impressive view of the ridge of the Birds and the snowy crest of the Carnations was no less.

decided to skirt the lake to contemplate from every possible angle before the fog that threatened to deprive us of a return as spectacular images.

As the midpoint of the route, this is a good place to regain strength before embarking on the way back.

Just on the edge of the lake where we ate, had a crack in one of the snowfields that feed the Lake of the Birds.

Before leaving this area, we walked across the plain that is away from the path we must take to see the valley of Lozoya the Pinilla Reservoir in the background, hidden behind the mist.

From the Lake of the Birds up to the vicinity of the Five Lakes area, the fog had lifted, so we ran out again to enjoy the views of the cliffs that lead up to the passage of carnations. However, as we approach the Five Lakes, the fog lifted and we see this set from a different perspective.

When walking through the area of \u200b\u200bthe gaps, try not to leave the trails, because it is one of the largest aerial park's ecological value.

Before leaving this part of the route, we take a last look from atop the glacial lakes in improved visibility when we for the first time.

follow the stony path guided by the silhouette of Two Sisters. From here you can clearly left the paths that lead to the port Cotos.

A little later, we see the bridge through which we draw the stream of criminal and paths that lead to Cotos (left) and the Laguna Grande penalty (right).

to not give so much back, took a path not so marked that leads directly to the Laguna Grande in the jail, which will try to not get out unless absolutely necessary.

Once in the Laguna de Peñalara, we take another break to recharge your batteries and see the lake while we make the sun like lizards lounging on the rocks.

At this point, we decided to change a bit the way we had planned to return, and began to walk along the lake in search of a path that goes through piles of stone from the shore opposite.

In this part, must respect the protective fence that prevents us to come to the lagoon, so we walked along the fence to an area where there are more options than jump between boulders .

After overcoming these obstacles, on the right a more or less marked according to the stretch, it is not as busy as a path can be the way of water.

To give you an idea, this path passes just below the shelter Zabala and above the protected area of \u200b\u200bPeñalara Hoya.

As we go away from the area of \u200b\u200bPeñalara Hoya, the path becomes more visible, but if you look back, we can see the entire Peñalara Circus with the peak of the same name by closing the set on the right side of the image.

About 500 meters later, we join the RP1 and RP2 routes that climb to the refuge of Zabala and Peñalara summit, taking forest track that has a whip to the left slope.

continue along the forest path until we got back to the water tank, where we turn right onto the road that takes us back to our starting point, the Port of Preserves.