Saturday, June 19, 2010

How Long Does An Icecube Take To Freeze

New York Chrysler Building

The Organization United Nations (UN), founded in 1945 after World War II, is based in the eastern part of Midtown Manhattan, along the East River.
A highly recommended visit in which at a very affordable price we can hire a tour where you learn about the history of the organization, we will see some of the gifts that the various member countries have made to the UN, and we can access the Dome of the United Nations General Assembly.

The UN is the largest international organization in the world and describes itself as an association of global governance that facilitates cooperation on issues such as international law peace and international security, economic and social development, humanitarian affairs and human rights.

complex that hosts the United Nations, despite being in New York City, is considered international territory, a status similar to that of the embassies, and in it each of the nations members are co-owners of this land.

The complex stands out above all the tower that houses the General Secretariat building, but this is not the most important building, as are the lowest in the dome of the General Assembly building, the Dag Hammarskjöld Library, and Conference Center and Visitors.

At the main entrance we see the flags of all member states arranged alphabetically by their English names over the flag of the organization.

As with other states like the Vatican, the UN has its own security forces, has 6 official languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and English, and issues its own postage stamps.

Once we passed the relevant entry controls, we reached the visitor center, where we get the tickets for the next tour in English. You can see schedules, current prices and any discounts on this link:

While waiting to start the tour, we stroll through the various exhibitions that are scattered throughout the pavilion.

addition to these exhibitions, there are several very interesting points that are permanently in the visitor center. Po
example, an area displayed the portraits of secretaries general of the UN.

In a nearby room, we see a plaque displayed comments in several languages \u200b\u200bof the astronauts who have had great luck have been enjoying the image of our planet from space.

In all this experience has changed his view of our world, and the general feeling is that since in the space of political boundaries disappear, causing all belong to the same people who must care for the land and try to alter at least possible the fragile balance that keeps us all alive.
We must be able to manage their resources and take care of it together so that future generations can enjoy as we have done ourselves.
This is the phrase that appears in English:

For those who have seen the Earth from space, and for hundreds and perhaps thousands more who will, the experience certainly changed his world view. What we share this planet is far more valuable than what divides us.

Alongside this board, we have a banner dedicated to the fallen in various peacekeeping missions of the UN.
As you can see, the flag has several bullet holes.

After the wait, it's time to start the guided tour.
After a brief explanation of the history of the organization, structure and basic operating principles, we turn to an area where you can see some of the gifts to the various member countries have made to the organization.

One of the most outstanding is the ivory carving representing a typical Chinese landscape.

Another piece with great symbolism is the escopetarra, a guitar made from an AK-47 rifle for a Colombian musician and used as a symbol of peace by artists such as Juanes, Shakira and Carlos Santana.

After seeing many other gifts from different countries, information panels which explain some of the missions undertaken by the UN and some of their goals such as eradicating world hunger, we see that for me was the most interesting part of the visit, the UN General Assembly.

As we explained, this is the principal organ of the United Nations, and it represents all member states, each with one vote.
Votes on key issues such as peace and security or the admission of new Members and budgetary matters are decided by a majority of two thirds, the other, by simple majority. We

the table in Spain and found five rows below where we were on the right side, next to South Africa.

From this perspective we can see more or less the dome that houses the General Assembly.

Before ending the visit, we can see one of the most valuable gifts. It is a mosaic based on a painting by Norman Rockwell called the golden rule (The Golden Rule). It was a gift from the U.S. to celebrate the 40 anniversary of the United Nations in 1985, which are represented people of all races and religions with the registration "Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them do to you "(Do unto others what you would like you hiciesen to you).

After the tour, went out into the gardens surrounding the buildings, from where we can see a different view of the whole.

When we went we (noviembe 2008), had a huge banner on climate change that bordered a whole section of the site.

In another part of the gardens we found a huge statue of the legend of Saint George slaying the dragon.

Finally, almost at the entrance you can see another sculpture with a great symbolism peaceful, a gun with a knot in your cannon set up in 1980 by Swedish artist Carl Frederik Reuterwärd in memory of John Lennon, assassinated a few months in the same year.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bunco Gifts February Ideas

In the eastern part of Midtown New Yorker is another of the architectural jewels of the city, the Chrysler Building, an elegant silver skyscraper of 319 meters.

Opened in 1930, was built by the Chrysler Company to host its headquarters for 11 months being the tallest building in the world but with the opening of the Empire State lost this distinction.

The building style is Art Deco ornamentation and the model were used as radiators and hubcaps that Chrysler used cars of the era.

This decoration stands out above all in the top of the building, where they are located a replica winged radiator caps on the 1929 Chrysler cars in the corners of the floor 31, while just above in every corner of the floor 61, is spread over 8 steel eagles.

The materials used for the coating of the facade, creating spectacular reflections both at dawn and at dusk, when sunlight is reflected in its steel panels.

is located at the intersection of 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue, and though it has an observation deck how the Empire State, if that is allowed access to its Art Deco lobby that has luxurious marble and granite.
In addition, there is a huge ceiling mural in which images are represented progress, transport and energy.

One of the buttons that were down the hall, offered We kindly ask one of the few pictures where we're all members of the group.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Online Job Application For Fred's

Times Square, the center of the world

This is a must visit if you travel to New York, and not just because it is the most famous square in the city or the multitude of theaters, shops and restaurants can find, but as a title to this article, we consider Times Square the center of the world.

To situate, Times Square is located at the intersection of Broadway and 7 th Avenue between 42 and 48 streets in the heart of Midtown New Yorker.

is in this central place where New Yorkers celebrate New Year, or where we can watch the news in many of the big screens dotted around the facades of the buildings that make up this gigantic audiovisual space in the day is always through the light of thousands of neon lights and bulbs.

The day we arrived, after leaving luggage in the apartment, the first thing we did was go to this place in search of a place to dine, but it took a bit more than necessary to stay a while captivated by the giant screens of neon lights, huge billboards, the comings and goings of hundreds of people and superstores overlooking the square.

Among the stores that you can find and you must not miss is the R'us Toys, where they have mounted a wheel inside the store, or the next Footlocker there (though you are going to overeat to enter the Footlocker which are scattered throughout the city and appear like mushrooms).

Another interesting shop was the Virgin, which unfortunately closed in 2009, and where we could find almost any album or movie to a really incredible price. Just next door is the Planet Hollywood where we bought the New York Pass, a card to get discounts at many sites and its price includes entry to many tourist sites.

Almost at the street level and ending 48 Times Square to the north, we have a huge bright lively panel tells us that we have come to the store themed M & M's.

This is a real paradise for these small balls of chocolate where can we find more than a hundred different flavors sorted into huge pipes, 2 storeys high, merchandising of all kinds and even a machine " I analyzed "and tells you what kind of M & M's are. Impossible you do not want to enter want to try them all!

The facade of Morgan Stanley, we can see the real-time listing of many of the most important securities. On the other side of the plaza is the headquarters of the Nasdaq, where they show a similar information in its huge curved screen.

After this first contact with Times Square, just having dinner at the Friday's that are up to 46 th Street, a huge restaurant at least 3 plants in which there were many people, but within 10 minutes we looked for sites with a window overlooking the crossing most famous street of the city.

Another interesting site is a red steps under which the TKTS booths find a place where you can buy theater tickets at half price for the same day of the performance.
This is a place where every day they are huge queues in the afternoon, so it is very easy to locate the ticket if you will get to see a Broadway show.

Times Square

As you have seen so far, Times Square is a great showcase for advertising, so in order to advertise prices are really prohibitive. To give you an idea, the neon cheaper the Coca-Cola, located just above the TKTS booths, and pay a year "only" $ 1 million due to an old contract.
Still, business is round, since it is estimated that every day about 2 million people pass through this square, and millions more see their ads through television, film or photographs as I'm sharing here you.

Like the rest of the city, Times Square is a place of enormous contrastra, so do not be surprised to see a Hummer limo, a Ferrari or a Lamborghini, and a few feet away a policeman on horseback patrolling the crowd. Indeed, the police are a little bastard, and when you try to get close to horses give a kick to move the head or just beginning to ride and leave.

There are plenty of souvenir shops, T-shirts, magnets, etc.. but are considerably more expensive than any other area of \u200b\u200bthe city. For example, on Fifth Avenue at the height of the Empire State on the last day I bought the majority of gifts and souvenirs at prices more reasonable than those I saw in Times Square.

In closing, one of the streets that define Times Square is another essential place, I mean the street 42, where are located many theaters, film and one of the most visited museums in the city, the Madame Tussauds wax museum.

On this street, even fast food restaurants have the appearance of large theaters with their peculiar canopies illuminated by hundreds of light bulbs.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How To Use Baby Oil For Dry Skin

Grand Central Station New York

One of the largest train stations in the city and most important in the U.S. is located near the Rockefeller Center complex, under the MetLife building and the area Midtown Manhattan's business.

Like happens to other train stations around the world such as Atocha in Madrid, the Grand Central Station or Grand Central Terminal is well worth visiting even if we have to take one of the many trains leaving or stop at this macroestación.

A total of 67 ways to train middle and long distance spread over 44 platforms situated in two levels, 6 subway lines and 10 buses serving over 125,000 passengers per day serve as a step to more than 500,000.

I said before, the building that houses all this huge transport interchange worth a visit to admire the vaulted ceiling of the main hall depicting the constellations of the Zodiac, staircases and marble-topped columns, or the endless corridors that house hundreds of shops and restaurants.

One of the best known office buildings in the city is the Metlife Building, located on the station, which has a separate entrance from the same to service employees work on it and go to work by train or subway

Like many other buildings in Manhattan, this station has served for many films set or performance as that which took place in 2008 when over 200 people were "frozen" for 5 minutes.

If you have time, be sure to visit this place is very close to the Chrysler Building or the New York Public Library, at the junction of Park Avenue and 42 Street.