Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ivf Pregnancy Past Due Date

Hiking the Valley Fuenfría - Madrid Monasterio de Piedra

Route details:
Signage: red circles, stone markers, white and yellow markings.
Length: 8.5 Km (2 km more if we go to lots of Wheat)
Duration: 4 hours (without stops)
Output: Majavilán
parking Arrival: parking
Majavilán Minimum altitude: 1,305 meters
Maximum altitude: 2,023 meters (2155 if we go to lots of Wheat)
Degree of difficulty: Media, in good weather. In winter can be high due to snow, ice and wind in the area.

As explained in the other route through the valley of Fuenfría you can find on this link , if we go by car, before arriving at the Parkland Recreation Area, we stopped at the Environmental Education Center Fuenfría Valley to get a brochure with the routes that are in the area.

can also be downloaded from here to give you an idea before you go:
Download map of the paths of Fuenfría Valley (PDF)

After Barca continue until, and try to park in the above (parking Majavilán).

From this car park, walk about 200 meters to the top of it until we crossed the road Cercedilla goes down, where we take a dirt road that is just in front and between pine trees jutting up the side of the mountain. We can use to guide Majavilán Creek from walking parallel to it. After 250 meters, we find a path marked by red dots , which we have to keep to the right. From this moment, we are guided by the red marks on trees, but the road is very visible.

From this point, the road begins to pick up wandering among the pine trees in a more remarkable. If you giráis, you can see part of Fuenfría valley, peak and the area Majalasna which developed the other route that exist in this web.

few meters ahead, we have a long line up of loose stones that will take us to the Col de Mariches (1753m.)

Here we are on track markedly forest, the road of the Republic (GR-10). We can use this area to rest and contemplate the valley of Fuenfría without so many trees that impede vision.

take this opportunity to contemplate Peña Bercial, situated on our right as we climbed. That's our next goal, the summit will guide us as we go, as there are many paths that lead to it, but are not very marked.

To begin the ascent, we walked by the GR-10 parallel to the stone fence that makes the boundary between Madrid and Segovia. When the forest track is separated from the fence, we left and continued walking cross country always taking the fence on your left until we find a stone marker that signals one of the many trails, but due to the amount of brush that is, easy that we walk a few times without finding any brand. In these cases, we are guided by the fence, which begins to rise as changes from stone to metal. On clear days we can also directly target the top of Bercial Peña. As we walked up, we can go and enjoy the scenery that is appearing on our backs, such as the city of Madrid and the silhouette of the 4 towers of the English.

As we ascend through areas with steep slopes, we find that the ground is cleared of scrub and trees due to the height, which will be easier to locate new landmarks of stone with which reach the summit of Peña Bercial (2002m.)

From this moment, the landscape changes completely, the vegetation is sparse and the views are spectacular in all directions, since there is practically no natural barriers blind us to several tens of kilometers.

to stand on, if you look north, we see our next destination, Mount Minguet, and hopefully the mound just behind wheat.

Looking westward, we find the dead woman's silhouette, and eastward, we find the Valley Fuenfría first, after the seven peaks and Majalasna. We can see deeper reservoir Navacerrada and the city of Madrid at the end of everything. Towards the south we see the Collado de Mariches, from where we just go up and right behind Eagle Rock.

After recreate the sights, we resume the march to Cerro Minguet. The road is very simple and not get lost, we just go by the mountain before us, although there are several trails ranging from Cerro Peña Bercial Minguet. In case of low visibility weather conditions, we can be guided by the wire that joins us from the Collado de Mariches.

As we walk to our right we can see seven peaks, peak Majalasna and Mirador de la Reina, located on the road of the Republic.

In 20 minutes we will have reached the summit of Cerro Minguet (2025m.)
From this peak, there are wonderful views across the valley Fuenfría, the way we just did from Peña Bercial

and Seven Peaks area and the ball of the World.

This is the point from which we can begin the ascent to the heap of wheat, the rocky summit that we just opposite to the north.

The way up do not know, since the day we did the route we had to keep up the heap of wheat due to unfavorable weather conditions, windy and cold, but from Cerro Minguet is were several routes that climb.
The first thing to do is drop a few meters to Collado Minguet, from where you will find several trails marked with milestones and white markings and yellow that will lead to the summit. It should take 30 minutes to climb and many others to download. Let

or not the ascent of Stack of Wheat, we will make it around the same side. From Cerro Minguet, look to the East and can see the Port of Fuenfría.

can be downloaded directly by any of the trails marked with white markings and yellow, but the paths are well defined, and whenever we have the Port of Fuenfría visible, we can visually guide.

Once in Puerto de la Fuenfría (1793m.), we can recharge water for the final leg into a source located some 100 meters to the east.

The last part of the route starts at a dirt track that goes down in a southerly direction and perpendicular to the road of the Republic through the Port of Fuenfría from East to West. This is called the Roman Road, which will lead us almost 4 km descent on a paved road and marked with white dots in the trees to the parking lot where we started.

As we descend, we see to our right the peaks for which has developed most of our route.

In this final stretch, crossing two bridges, the first is the Bridge Enmedio and the last is the Bridge of the Barefoot. Soon after crossing the last bridge, we reach an asphalted road will lead us to the starting point of this route.


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