Saturday, March 13, 2010

Is Perrier Carbonated Water Good For Gastric

American Museum of Natural History - New York

This is one of the most famous and important museums of the city of New York, either by hearsay or through any of the films in which appears.

Although the museum is perfect to come with children, it is extremely interesting to visit as an adult, and as you advance notice that in order to view a fund would need to spend more than a day, so my recommendation is that before you go to take a look at the plan of the museum to decide what is most relevant:

This museum has a policy of "pay as you wish", or what is the same "pay what you want, but the suggested prices are:
  • $ 16 for adults
  • $ 12 for students and retirees
  • $ 9 for children
Hours are 10:00 to 17:45, and is open day except Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

For more information, I leave the web address of the museum:

Getting to the museum is very easy, it's best to go underground in the lines B or C to 81st Street - Museum of Natural History, for without having to leave the street you enter the main hall.

Moving on, I'll do a summary of what I liked to me by plants, but certainly the "essentials" are the first and fourth floors. First


As we enter the museum, several fossilized dinosaur skeletons welcome us.

Just the room is opposite the main entrance, is dedicated to North American mammals, dioramas where we can see native wildlife such as bison, moose in Alaska or the Grizzly Bear, the huge Canadian brown bear.

addition to the previous room, lies the Hall of Ocean Life, which highlights the model of a whale suspended blue of about 29 meters long over the living room and also where we see fish, sea stars, polar bears and penguins.

Leaving the previous room, it is very interesting tour through the halls of biodiversity and forests of North America, where you can see sections of the giant sequoias that grow in parks like Yellowstone, .

highly recommended Another area are the rooms devoted to meteorites, where is the largest meteorite on display in the world, and minerals and gems room, where with a little luck you can share as a class with one of the groups students who meet the museum.

If not possible, we will comply with the diamond watch "Eagle" topaz "Brazilian Princess," Ruby "DeLong Star 'emerald" Patricia "or" The Star of India ", the largest sapphire in the world .

The amateur astronomy and space, have their area in the Rose Center for Earth and Space, where there is exposed spectacular photographs, models of planets and a planetarium where you can relax while we travel to other worlds. Apart from the content of this wing of the museum, worth seeing the building in which it is located, a huge transparent cube containing within it a huge where is the planetary sphere.

Second floor:

In this plant, which I liked most was the Hall of African Mammals, shared with the third floor, from where we can get a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe size of the room, in the center A model of a herd of elephants.

addition, the sides of the room can see dioramas of African wildlife such as the gorilla, lion, leopard, koodoo or impala.

The other rooms walk passed them without stopping too much into detail, although some exceptions if they were in the halls of Asian mammals and birds in the world.

Third floor:

This room floor highlight the reptiles and amphibians, and primates. The rest was not much time because most were involved in several Indian tribes.

Fourth floor:

Along with the first, this is the plant that I liked, as it hosts one of the largest collections and best assortment of fossils of dinosaurs and mammals.

The dinosaur room, stand on all Tyrannosaurus Rex and other Apatosaurus, but in each case there will be any fossil that you will stop you.

In mammals, the protagonist is the Mammoth, but what I really liked about this plant, was that just walking in the order that advises the visit, one is able to "live" and understand the evolution of vertebrates in the first person in a clear and easily with the panels and videos explaining each room.

And finally, although it has to do with the museum, from the second floor is really interesting views on Central Park and the skyscrapers of Manhattan.

In summary, I recommend 100% this visit, but try to focus on floors 1 st and 4 th, although other plants also have interesting things but you can see "in passing."

To give you an idea, I was about 2:30 or 3:00 am, enough time considering that I left some rooms without a visit and I was interested in was not as long as I would have liked.

way out, at the main entrance you can see a statue of Theodore Roosevelt, one of the founders of the museum and also chairman of the government between 1901 and 1909.


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