Thursday, June 14, 2007

Edible Cell With Jello

砂織 - Saori

In the previous article, I comment a girl named Saori , came to Sakura Tenshi Shinbun by nora (thank you), attracted just because my daughter has the same name. And here

is the story of how I become Saori Saori.

On December 5, 2004 my daughter was born, Saori. The day after his birth, I gave the papers to go to the registry office to record it (like any new born). RC's office offered me a PC from which you could see the names "available", among the thousands of names, I found Saori, after speaking with several people told me I could not put it on, imagine my disappointment, after months of call, I could not do it "legally." Saori
To me it was, and I could settle for another name, so, like a good stubborn I am, I asked to speak with an authority and another and another and another, until finally I said they definitely I could not put that name, to seek any other. Imagine my anger when I showed them that the list had names like " satyr" and a failure Names Act could not put my daughter Saori.

After so many negative, a secretary who heard the discussion (and I was spinning for several hours by the civil registry), approached me and told me there was a possibility, but that was kind of complicated.

the advice of this kind person, were addressed to me at the Embassy of Japan, I presented what happened and ask them if they could do something. I sent the Japanese Consulate and there I attended the representatives of the consul. After explaining the matter, I said would analyze it. All of this had already been more than 15 days and Saori continue without ID.

Imagine my surprise when after 4 days of the last reunion, they told me happened to pick up some papers, upon arrival, I was handed the document to show below.

After countless ways to thank you, I went with my leaf signed by Shigeru Iida, the Japanese consul in Argentina, civil registration and finally I could write it down. Not without some amusement to see the faces of the same people who almost a month after I was advised to choose another name.

This brief history might be called as Saori Saori (Argentina in the first bear that name) and the previous for any parent who want to call your son as you like.

Many thanks to the civil registrar, the kind people at the Embassy of Japan in Argentina and the Japanese Consulate in Argentina and the Consul in person for taking the time to serve and assist. Domo arigatou gozaimasu



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