Saturday, March 12, 2011

Canada Food Guide Mayonnaise

Capitol monument to Victor Emanuele II

In one of the seven hills on which stands the city of Rome, the Capitoline hill, we met with an architectural complex, whose buildings are separated by several hundred years, but which attract thousands of tourists alike thanks to the majesty of its buildings and collections that can be found inside their buildings are the Capitol and the monument to Vittorio Emanuele.

Prior to the construction of the Capitol and the monument to Vittorio Emanuele, this area was called the Mount of Saturn, and here stood a temple dedicated to the highest deity of Rome at the time, and we can see some remnants when we visit the Roman Forum.
Being located near the Roman Forum, it was a really important area of \u200b\u200bpolitical and religious life in ancient Rome, but most of the buildings we see today date from the XVI century, with the exception of the Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracoeli (S. XII), Senatorial Palace (S. XII) and the Monument to Vittorio Emanuele (S. XX), forming the true Km 0 of Rome.


Capitol Square or Piazza del Campidoglio, is located at the top of the Capitoline Hill.
It was designed by the Renaissance genius Michelangelo Buonarroti, who designed every detail of it, from the pavement to the new palaces that delimit the square, redesigning some of the existing and solving the problem of the gap between the Piazza d'Ara Coeli and the Capitol with the design of the elegant staircase Cordonata, where we can see two large statues of the Dioscuri Castor and Pollux in the final.

Once on the Capitoline Piazza, we found the right the Palazzo dei Conservatory, home to the Capitoline Museums, Palazzo Senatorio front, seat of the municipality of Rome, and left the facade of the Palazzo Nuovo and the Church of Santa Maria in Ara Coeli just behind. In the center of the square we can see a replica of the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius.

Capitoline Museums are the second most important city, just behind the Vatican Museums. Inside you can see the original equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius is in the square, the remains of the Temple of Jupiter or the famous Capitoline she-wolf, symbol of Rome, which represents the wolf that nursed the brothers twins Romulus and Remus, the founders of the city of Rome in the seventh century BC

There is a mirror off the left side of the square towards the Roman Forum.

You can find all information to visit the Capitoline Museums on the following website:

recommend you also enjoy the view or the Roman Forum Piazza d'Ara Coeli, where we can see how the entire Capitol complex is oriented toward the Vatican, the political center of the city at the time and whose dome of St. Peter's Basilica can be seen from here.

Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II:

Este enorme monumento que se levanta en la Piazza Venezia, fue construido a finales del S. XIX-principios del XX como homenaje al Rey Victor Manuel II, artífice de la unificación Italiana.

Aunque en un principio el monumento no parecía encajar en la clásica arquitectura de la ciudad de Roma y era mal visto por sus ciudadanos al haberse tenido que destruir un barrio medieval para poder construir este edificio, poco a poco ha ido ganandose la reputación y respeto de todo el mundo gracias a ser un importante polo de atracción turística y a la construcción del Museo del Risorgimiento, dedicado a la history of Italian unification, free but not very interesting for tourists.

has also helped his situation privileged to see nearby monuments as the Campidoglio, the Forum or the Colosseum itself from its terraces located at a maximum height of 70 meters.

Access to the highest of the terraces next to the chariot, is performed by panoramic lifts to the "reasonable" price of € 7, so we settle for the great view we can see from the other sample from the monument terrace .

Just beneath the massive equestrian statue of Victor Manuel II, the tomb of the unknown soldier, which since 1921 houses the remains of an unidentified soldier killed in the First World War.
In one of the terraces near the street, two soldiers stand guard at the tomb permanently and two incense burners with a flame that is always on.

If during the day reflections of white marble monument that covers the entire visible from half do Rome by artificial lighting at night makes it stand out among the other nearby buildings.

These are undoubtedly two visits are essential in our journey through the most monuments of Rome.


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