Saturday, March 19, 2011

What Are The Effects Of Orajel On The Penis

Palatino y Foro Romano y

This was the place where the history of Rome and its vast empire began, the very political, economic and religious center of ancient Rome located between the Capitoline Hill and Palatine Hill, place of business, trade and home to most of government and churches, in short, the place where they decided the fate of most of the known world affairs at that time.

The first part is located, and for this it is best that you see the plane below, and the distribution of all the ruins that can be found both in the Forum and the Palatine:

  1. Mamertina Jail (Tullianum) Temple of Saturn
  2. Arch of Septimius Severus
  3. Column of Phocas
  4. Curia Julia Basilica St. Mary
  5. Antigua
  6. Templo de Castor y Polux
  7. Basílica Emilia
  8. Templo de Antoninus y Faustina
  9. Regia
  10. Casa delle Vestali
  11. Basilica de Massenzio
  12. Arco de Tito
  13. Antiquarium forense
  14. Templo de Venus y Roma
  15. Coliseo
  16. Domus Aurea
  17. Meta Sudans
  18. Arco de Constantino
  19. Acueducto de Claudio
  20. Septizodium
  21. Domus Severiana
  22. Circo Máximo
  23. Estadio
  24. Domus Augustana
  25. Museo Palatino
  26. Domus Flavia
  27. Casa de Augusto
  28. Cabaña Romulea
  29. Temple of Cybele
  30. Livia House Gardens Tiberiana Domus

(You can view / download the full-size plane this link )

As I commented in the article on the coliseum , entry to visit the two monuments is the same, and one of the shorter lines where you are going to find is in the box office at the entrance marked with the number 10, so I recommend you come here, because you can directly the Roman Forum.

Roman Forum:

The political, economic and religious center of the city begins to lift around of 700 BC on a marshy area next to the Capitol Hill and was drained to build a central square where they held a market.

In subsequent years, they were adding more administrative buildings, temples and new shopping and meeting, until its decline began with the arrival of Christianity, as it had to close many pagan temples.
If we add several floods of the Tiber, an earthquake and reuse of the marble for the construction of other monuments, we understand the current state of the buildings that made up this very important enclave of antiquity.

For a digital reconstruction of the Forum, its buildings and know the date of construction of each of them, I recommend that you go through the draft Cultural Virtual Reality Laboratory at the University of UCLA in these two sites:

Timeline of the Roman Forum
3D models of buildings Forum

Among the large amount of debris that we visit are:

Arch of Septimius Severus , built in 203 AD to commemorate the victory of the emperor Septimius Severus and his sons Geta and Caracalla on the Parthians.
In this same photo also appears the remains of the Temples of Vespasian and Saturn in the foreground, with the Palatine Hill in the background.

Curia, headquarters Senate and one of the best preserved buildings from all over the forum because of the continuing reforms suffered throughout history because of the fires. This photo also
from left to right the column of Phocas, the Arch of Septimius Severus, and the Church of Saint Luke and Saint Martina.

Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine , one of the buildings and most important trade justice of Imperial Rome and situated on the Via Sacra, the main street of ancient Rome that ranged from the Colosseum to the Capitoline hill.

Here you have a couple of general views on the displayed several of the most important buildings of the Forum:


This area next to the Roman Forum had his official residence emperors Augustus, Tiberius and Domitian, but the real importance of this place has more mythology than history.

According to Roman mythology, is on this hill where the first settlers lived in Rome and the place in which was said to be the cave where the she-wolf suckled and nursed Luperce Romulus and Remus, the twin founders of Rome.

One day a shepherd found them and raised them with his wife until they grew and uncover your uncle Amulius grandfather had dethroned and banished to his grandfather Numitor killing all his nephews so that nobody could claim the throne (except the mother of Romulus and Remus, which according to legend she became pregnant by the god Mars), was killed and restored the true king, his other grandfather Numitor.
In gratitude, he gave them some land in the area where the wolf found them and decided found a new city on the banks of the river Tiber.
time later, both brothers had a heated argument in which Romulus killed Remus being the sole king of Rome.

From the Forum, we have access to the palace up the stairs that allow us to bridge the gap of about 40 meters between them.

Once up and before going through the gardens and ruins of palaces, we look from above the forum and the coliseum.

Next to the palace of Septimius Severus, we find the Palatine Stadium of Domitian or Hippodrome, a small Roman circus that took place sporting events and private parties, but probably its main use was as a private garden.

Palatine Other prominent buildings are the house of Livia, Augustus's house, the temple of Cybele and the Museum with the Domus Flavia Palatino we see in this picture.

If you remember the story that I told you in the article of the Piazza Navona on the G8 and the problems to access some of the monuments, this was another moment in which we had change our plans to visit the Colosseum and the Forum, Palatine because the leaders who attended to the G8 summit had a private visit to the site of the Forum and the Palatine and was closed so we had to return the next day to finish watching the whole area. And this was not the last ...


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