Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Can You Smoke Weed On Zofran?

remembered proverbs - Provervio y recuerdos (kotowaza to kioku)

Today I pass something that reminded me of a great phrase:

"Sit patiently by the river and really floating past the body of your enemy"

This phrase to me the person said more respect and admiration provoked in me, my grandfather (dep). I never understood it or not but today I gave him was fulfilled importance (of course, in the figurative sense of the word) and the first thing that came to mind was the image of my grandfather telling me such wise words.

Thanks for this and all the teachings you gave me! Thanks for educating me and giving me the courage and inner peace to sit by the river (knowing that in spirit, 'll always be by my side).

This photo take in 1994, at his home in La Coruña, Galicia, Spain.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Rosary Beads Around Ankle

joke - Historia comica (waraibanashi)

The technical department of my company is circulating this mail, I found it very good, funny and real.

A man flying in a balloon, when suddenly you realize you're lost, maneuver and slow down until you see someone on the street and yells:

From the Globe:
Sorry! , Can you help? He left to join the two with a friend, took half an hour late and do not know where I stand.

From the street:
course. You are in a hot air balloon, floating about 30 feet high, between 40 and 42 degrees north latitude and between 58 and 60 degrees west longitude.

From the Globe:
Are you an engineer, right?

From the street:
Yes sir. I am. How did you guess?

From the Globe:
is simple, because everything I said is "technically" correct, but "almost" useless. I'm still lost and I'm late for my appointment because I do not know what to do with your information.

From the street:
And you're boss, right?

From the Globe:
Yes sir. How did you know?

From the street:
is very simple. Does not know where he is, nor where it goes ... Has made a promise can not be met and hopes that another will solve the problem. In fact it is exactly the same position it was before we met ... except that now, for some strange reason ... Shame on me!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

What To Substitute For Wax Strips?

one hundred Japanese design - 100 diseños japoneses (hyaku nihon no ishou)

The Japanese Embassy in Argentina with School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Belgrano and Japan Foundation, the exhibition presents 100 modern designs of Japan, which will be out of 1 August to 22 in the second lowest level of the University Tower, 1837 Zabala.

This traveling exhibit is sponsored by Argentina and the Foreign Ministry in collaboration with Professor Ricardo Kina.

turn, Tuesday August 7 at 18:30 will be held a panel discussion called Meeting between Japan and Argentina design, from the experience of ARGdis in Tokyo. It will be coordinated by the architects Tinsel and Paola Lavarello July.

addition, August 14 at 18:30 , Dr. Mario Marino, professor emeritus of the University of Buenos Aires, will chair another table where a presentation on the current design in Japan, a vision of technology and aesthetics to objects in the exhibition. Both presentations will be held at the University Tower, 1837 Zabala first lower level, auditorium President Julio A. Roca.

Admission is free.
For more information: School of Architecture and Urbanism
Tel: 4788-5400
Mail: priv3692@ub.edu.ar

Monday, July 23, 2007

Biasi Boiler Manual 24s Pilot

eight rare thing - Ocho cosas raras

directly from Nihon Mon Amour, Núria invites me to follow a meme . Here it is.

The meme of 8 things: Name
curious or eight things that nobody knows and intends to 8 more bloggers.
(LoA: Certainly some will be repeated with a similar old meme.)

1. More than ten years working in technology (read computers) but I started by chance. Was a cadet in a company selling PCs in the holiday needed help in the technical department and then on the "computing" was my thing. Chance, fate, who knows.

2. I like strong alcoholic beverages (20 º or more) and I can take long before "falling" and say "fall" because I do not get drunk and way of being "happy" to "unconscious" in less than a minute. Eg I can take and half a bottle of vodka and walk out without problems, but if I take a drink but I faint.

3. I have a rare and very painful Aicmofobia (but only to the needles), I can not sew, I can not threading a single thread and draw blood or take some medicine for injection is a problem for me. What is really sad that contrary to this phobia, I'm all tattooed !!!!!

4. I have major memory problems, take two parallel agendas and a lot of post-it notes stuck everywhere to remember things, but still forget them (I have to write down everything in great detail to find out that I meant, "shopping" is not a reminder for me, I have to put the complete list.)

5. I love fixing things at home instead of "Bob the builder" am "the arranger Sergio" and not just in my home, my family, friends and even at work (mmm. .. that's not him up!).

6. This is not socially acceptable (I hope not receive a reprimand, I have strong beliefs that support it). No Vote, yes, that is, since reaching the age of majority voting no, I never submit to any election (president, governor, etc, etc, etc).

7. Like absolutely everything, I could not find a food ingredient or cooking style that is completely dislike me (hey, I have not tried the natto ).

8. I hate memes, do not like, I think silly ... I can not help but follow, and not only that I propose, if any meme that walks around for the blogosphere, that if I have a right not to publish them all.

Thanks to all who kept reading this far, I propose for the next crop of memes to anyone who wants it (I have 8 STS bloggers who visit regularly).

Some of the bloggers who did the meme: Núria
(who I pass the baton), and recently Nora Flapy .

completely outside Silly note:
The children's program "Bob the builder" Hit Entertainment was edited for broadcast in Japan. As the original (like many children's products) had four fingers, the producers loved him fifth for the little finger not associated with the 极 道 (Gokudo).

Sunday, July 22, 2007

How To Prevent Creases In The Shoes

test - Examen (shiken)

Yesterday, Saturday and yield considering the first Japanese module. Bad, very bad, I have the result yet but I did not even half.

He believed that I could pass at this age (I'm a little big boy) but I was blank, not only could not be translated into Castilian, but it could not build or a prayer, or the most basic of Japanese: Watashi Sergio desu wa! (I am Sergio!). Sera

a stroke of fate, but I feel like in high school ... evil, badly.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Apartment Manager Attacked Iowa

Fourth Meeting of Japanese culture - 4 º Convencion Nacional de la Cultura Japonesa

Foundation Argentine-Japanese Cultural invites all artists, teachers and interested in Japanese culture to participate in the 4th National Convention of Japanese Culture which is held from October 29 to November 4 of the current in the Japanese Garden of Palermo.

With the aim of spreading Japanese culture in the area of \u200b\u200bArgentina and other countries, and there have been three previous editions in the San Martín Cultural Center, Centro Cultural Recoleta and the National Library, with an attendance of nearly 5,000 people in each event, and sponsored by various authorities as Cultural Center of the Embassy of Japan and the Ministry of Culture of the Nation.

disciplines will be developed Japanese Culture in three major areas (exhibitions, seminars and events) of which you can download rules and application forms from the website of the Convention
http://www.jardinjapones.org.ar / convencion/2007/index.htm

hope their collaboration for this show to help spread the most of Japanese Culture at its best, an example is as important as what the Japanese Garden. For information

can communicate by mail or telephone convencion@jardinjapones.org.ar al 4804-9141/4922.

Masu Masu you, your stages of Sakai Kiyoshi Congratulations. Japanese Garden at Palermo Park

until April 29 next 10 to 11, each hold a national competition, the fourth Japanese Cultural Arts Foundation, Sun Asia is related to Japanese culture through artistic, your organization per recruit people who have your participation and your interest in Japanese culture and leadership, will deliver this letter.

this tournament under the auspices of the Ministry of Education in Argentina, Embassy of Japan in Asia and currently in Japan, three times already (in the Cultural Center Theater, San Martín Recoleta Cultural Centre and National Library) was held over five, each welcomes participants to reach thousands.

content competition, Japanese culture-related exhibits, and arts performances and seminars and from three sectors, register with the contents of the relevant regulations, the following web pages Orosemasu: http://www.jardinjapones.org .ar/convencion/2007/index.htm

in historic Japanese garden, if I use your help this event valuable for you as an outreach to the Japanese culture to appreciative 存Jimasu.

more inquiries, contact phone: 4804-9141/4922. Contact or mail: convencion@jardinjapones.org.ar to thank you.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Curtain Holdback Images

position - Posicion (tachiba) EP2

Segun el ranking Technorati de Blogs, El Periodico del Angel de Cerezo ocupa el puesto: 701.449.
En esta entrada del 28 de febrero el puesto era el 2.693.354, no se bien en que se basa este ranking pero al parecer el blog subio casi 2.000.000 de puestos in the last 5 months.

Thanks to all who visit the blog and give me encouragement to continue posting nonsense.

どうも ありがとうございます

How Do You Hack A Simcard For A Sidekick 08

risk in Kashiwazaki - Peligro en Kashiwazaki (Kashiwazaki no kiken)

Japanese authorities ordered the indefinite closure of the nuclear TEPCO (Tokyo Eectric Power Co.) in 柏 崎 \u200b\u200b市 ( Kashiwazaki) 新泻 県 (Niigata-ken, Niigata Prefecture ) in 本州 (Honshu), the main island of Japanese archipelago.
This plant was affected by the recent earthquakes which generated a large fire in a transformer.

During the same catastrophe spilled into the sea 1,200 liters of water containing radioactive, 800 gallons of turbine oil one of the reactors, and during one of the earthquakes 100 barrels with radioactive waste fell being opened and poured some dangerous ground content.

Some bloggers saying about the earthquakes: Alain-kun


do not usually post this kind of news, but for days I am with the heart in the mouth thinking of all the people over there.

From the depths of my being, I everything goes well and the damage and risks are minimal.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Jibjab Free Face In The Hole

Dharma gets up - Okiagari Daruma

Okiagari koboshi

The 起き上がり 小 法師 (okiagari koboshi, little monk always-on-foot?) Is a Japanese traditional dolls, or your p almost spherical and its center of gravity, always return to their original position after being pushed. This feature of the dolls okiagari-koboshi symbolizes perseverance, optimism and determination.
The best known of these figures is ダルマ (Daruma)
representing 达磨 ( Bodhidharma).


This figure of wood or paper mache, which is the representation of Daruma, his eyes blank, according to tradition must make a wish while you paint the first eye, paint the other once our desire is made the doll and burn below, but many keep it to remember how to fulfill your wishes or the effort to achieve it.
This ritual of filling the eyes is called 开眼 供养 ( kuyo Kaige, the opening ceremony of the eye) and the annual burning takes place in the Setsubun (January 18, last day of the year in the Japanese tradition) is the Dairyu-ji. Other times when using this type of dolls is on birthdays or some national holidays, including some political parties tend to follow the ritual of election season.

Daruma size varies according to what we'd like, you can be the size of a tennis ball (like mine) or a beach ball (the librarian of the Japanese Garden of Buenos Aires should have asked for anything big, because it has one meter in diameter).

Daruma's story
बोधिधम (Bodhidharma, Dharma the Enlightened One), 菩提 达摩 (Puti Da Mo) for the Chinese or simply ダルマ (Daruma) for the Japanese, was the 28th Patriarch of Buddhism, heir to Siddhartha Gautama (better known in the West as Buddha .) I travel from India to China carrying the Buddha's teaching and to create temples and monasteries.


Once in China founded several temples throughout the empire and eventually settled in what is now the Shaolin Temple in Henan province. Preach the words of Buddha I think the school 禅 (Chan), who came to Japan as 禅 (Zen) . From here on there are several legends and stories about one of them (which I like) is that he retired to a cave near the temple and meditated for nine years. During the trance he had many misfortunes, was bitten by mosquitoes, attacked by wolves, etc, but nothing of it out of his reverie. After nine years of immobility lost arms and legs and still ongoing. For this very reason, the Daruma doll is so many things, without arms and legs always "up", if put side rises.
who make a wish for Daruma, the end will see it fulfilled, but not before fighting with optimism, dedication and hard work.

Painting the second eye of a Daruma

Sources: wikipedia.org, tetsuo.lamatriz.org, Ms. Lin.
Photos / Pictures: wikipedia.org, David Bull, Roy Gypsy

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Do U Need A Licence To Have A Pet Plytapus

Simpsons - Simpsons


one of Flapy meme, part of the blogosphere is self-portrait in the style Matt Groening.

do not know why I let go, but anyway ...

In this site may make your own Simpsons-style avatar.

And here are other bloggers in Springfield:


alain-kun is jackal-san
Núria-san Arigatou

gozaimashita. Nieva

Monday, July 9, 2007

Watch Pirates Online Digital Playground

Snow - Nieve (yuki)

on Buenos Aires, for many, this news does not make much sense, but for those who once inhabited this great city is almost a "miracle." The first and last time it snowed on this city was in 1918.

remember from childhood always dreamed of seeing the snow went south of the country several times and met her there. I lived a bit in San Carlos de Bariloche and come to love the snow and enjoy the white blanket covering the city every winter.
But today my dream comes true, this new of July, Independence Day, sleet began to fall, I spent the day looking out the window, hoping that snow will become all the letters and that was it.

I forget a bit of plaster, pain and disregarded the instructions of the doctor, but could not pass up an opportunity like this. Saori-chan bundle up and go out to run (me on crutches) in the snow.

As can upload any photo.

Greetings to all and good start to the week.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Pellet Stove Putting Soot In House?

Tanabata Sun - Festividad de las estrellas (tanabata no hi)

Today is celebrated in Japan on Tanabata Day. Medium build had an entry with all the history of this holiday to this special day and one with my own personal Tanabata, but recent events delayed me (I have a cast and the foot should not move at all, this input secretly do.)

I wish a happy Tanabata and I hope all your wishes are, for my part, this year will not be able to cross the amanogawa to see ori-hime (damn cast!).
This feature of other bloggers: nora
, Flapy , nuria. Domo arigatou gozaimasu


Image: Sunagawa-sweetroad.com

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Sale Mens Designer Wallets

beckoning cat - Gato anfitrion (maneki neko) ep2

The conte previous post about my new acquisition: a meneki neko. This article will explain a little of their meaning and history.

fortune's cat

Since ancient times, and by various cultures, the cat has been loved, respected, revered and even feared. In Japan is a cult object, with various meanings and beautiful stories.

The 招き猫 (Maneki Neko) in particular is an amulet for good luck or fortune. A cat is greeting the Japanese way and inviting to enter (the reverse of the western way in which the hand is placed palm up and arm movement is upward.) This cat reminds Tama a famous feline history / mythology Japan.

His name is composed of the kanji
招 (NSAIDs / shoo), き (ki) and 猫 (neko). Maneki is 招く Verve (maneku, greeting / invite) and 猫 (neko) is the word for "cat" in Japanese. The literal name of this beautiful amulet would be "Cat invited to enter."

There are several types of Maneki Neko, each has its own meaning and features that focus on the good fortune to a particular sense.

Paw Paw may have raised left or right either. The leg left position invited to come to the right people and money. Also the length of the leg has its meaning, the more wealth is longer attracts or draws away from most people.

colors colors it was only decorative, but as time went on and becoming more popular amulet, they appeared new or added meaning to the original.

Tricolor: black and white with brown spots. I used to be the original color, based on the typical cat colacorta Japan. Today he is considered the provider of more fortune.

White: It is the second most popular because it provides purity. Black

: scary evil spirits and demons. It is usually used by women to ward off predators. Red

: Protect owners and eventually is associated with good health.

Orange: Zooms to disease.

Dorado: It supplies plenty, many sometimes associated with money.

Rosa: It's less traditional colors, it is associated with love.

Green: Used by students to do better academically.

motifs usually has various details depending on the representation, these accessories can be necklaces, scarves, bags, bells, and even vests (I saw one with a haori, which makes me think that at this neko was menso male: P). Most holds a
小 判 (koban), a gold oval that was used in the Edo period.
Some people are putting on low denomination coins, this genre that in some versions, you can see sitting neko on a pile of coins.

material traditionally were made of porcelain or ceramic. Nowadays they can find materials such as wood, paper and more common and affordable, plastic (like mine). In very rare cases were made in precious materials like gold or jade.

Tama and Gotoku-ji temple
He lived in a temple in 世 田 谷 区 (Setagaya-ku), now a suburb of Tokyo, a cat named Tama, as the river running through the neighborhood. One stormy night Ii Naotaka (daimyo of Hikone) took shelter under a tree in the vicinity of the temple waiting for the rain subsides, some stories have that Tama and this gentleman appeared, attracted by the cat, had left the tree, other (which I prefer) Tama venture that saw him and called him one of his legs moving. As he approached Naotaka lightning struck the tree parted in the middle and burning around him. Naotaka, grateful to Tama, became a benefactor of the temple and the monk donated money to maintain the site and Tama. Also change the name of the temple, giving the of Gotoku-ji.

represents the Maneki Neko Tama calling Naotaka saved him from certain death.

The previous images is a neko painted according to the method sumi-e and four neko colacorta in a reproduction of the floating world .

Sources: wikipedia.org, Fuwa fura, victorian, japonismo.com, and many others who unfortunately do not remember. Today

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

How Many Grams In Everyday Minerals

beckoning cat - Gato anfitrion (maneki neko)

raids back in that den of perdition known as "El Barrio Chino", with the idea of \u200b\u200bbuying a new Fude, because the former suffered my first forays into the Japanese calligraphy and the strong conviction not stop in front of any other product, ingredient, object or person.

could not help it. They do not call "the cat calls." So here is my next good fortune. A Maneki Neko. Looking at the photo looks very small, but it is some strange effect digimuyeconomital damn camera, but if you look carefully you can compare well with the size of a pack of cigarettes (mmm. .. yes, a nasty habit).

I hope to bring me luck (good) and, as luck we speak, I wish you the best readers of the newspaper of cherry angel (a little more to that comment: P).

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Kates Playground Jeans Skinny

Burogusu - Blogs (burogusu)

today add two new blogs to blogroll. This is the blog of Nuria, a English animal lover who soon will go to live in Japan. And Chie Blog, a very funny Japanese study in Spain and currently lives in Japan.

I hope the visit and enjoy. Domo arigato


How To Hack A T Mobile Dongle

Japanese Calendars - Calendario Japones (nihon no karenda)

Month of July in the Japanese Garden of the City of Buenos Aires.

Arts Conference Paper / Chigiri, Kumitate, Oshio and Washi-Nigyo

13:00. Hisae Saito Kumitate by Hisae Saito
Workshop 15:30 hs. Origami by Masao
15:00 pm "Samurai Warrior Spirit" by Nestor Varzo
17:00. Origami by Sachiko Higa

17 hours. Literary evenings. Reading
"game or competition"
of "The Tea Ceremony and Quality of Life"
Reviewed by author: Carlos Farré

TANABATA - Festival of the stars
11 to 14 hours. Birding by GH Hudson Museum, by Dr. R. Ravera
13:00 pm Home of "Tanabata" with its meaning 14:00 pm Lecture and Projection on the Stars for the Planetarium, by L. Valeri
14 to 16:30. Get your name in Japanese by Alejandro Aguirre
258y 15:00 pm Japanese songs by Veronica Shimabukuro
15:30 hs. Children's Theatre: "Selene and Endymion" by The Minstrels of the Moon Dances 16:00 hs
Japanese songs by Japanese Association of Burzaco
17:00 pm by Miwa Oshiro Japanese songs
17:30 pm Traditional Dances Ryu Okinawan by Tamagusuku Shosetsukai
18:00 pm by Mukaito Japanese Taiko drums

15:00 pm "Samurai Warrior Spirit" by Nestor Varzo
16:00 pm Demonstration of Tea Ceremony by Emiko Arimidzu
17:00. Prevention Talk for the elderly by Federal Police Argentina
Symphonic Band Banda de la Policia Federal Argentina Federal Police

15:00 to 17:00 pm Origami Demonstration by Paul scored
16:00 hs Children's Theatre: "Selene and Endymion" by The Minstrels of the Moon
17:00 pm "Samurai Spirit Warrior "by Nestor Varzo

14 to 16 pm Health and Environment by Dr. O. Ogawa and A. Sakamoto Arch
17:00 pm Afternoons at the Library Literary Reading" Confessions of a Mask "Yukio Mishima
Comment: Prof. Juan J. Burzi

17:00 pm on Saturday Gatherings - Library" Tanabata, the star party "
reading of" The Cowherd and Weaver Maid "(story Traditional)

Saturday 14 to Sunday 15
10 to 18 hours Days of Manga and Animé. trivia contest, karaoke, and manga fanfic. organized on behalf of the Moon FC

15:00 pm "Samurai Warrior Spirit" by Nestor Varzo

16 to 18 hours. Bonsai Lecture and demonstration by Hideo Sugimoto

16:30 hs Origami Lecture and Demonstration by Masao

17:00 pm Evening at the Library Literary Reading of "Spirit of Folk Tales and Poetry
Japanese "Lee C. Oller, announcer.

11 to 18 hours. Conference on Health Arts: Zen Meditation, Chiropractic, Shiatsu and Quality of Life.

11 to 18 hours. Free Days at the School of Shiatsu East, by Dr. A. 15:00
Maratea "Samurai Warrior Spirit" by Nestor Varzo

July 23 to August 5 Winter

Japanese Cinema - Talks Prevention by the Federal Police Argentina Ingenio
-Games Japanese -. Works
Kids - Origami - Literary Evening
- Kamishibai (paper theater).

15:00 pm Children's Film Series "Castle in the Sky" by H. Miyazaki

15:00 pm Children's Film Series "Kiki, the Brujita" H. Miyazaki

15:00 pm Children's Film Series "Princess Mononoke" H. Miyazaki

16:30 hs Origami Lecture and Demonstration by Masao
17:00 pm Lecture and Demonstration of Bonsai by Centro Cultural Argentino del Bonsai
gatherings 17:00 pm Saturday - Library. Reading the texts of "Kimono" by Liza Dalby
by Arjen de Winter Collector

15:00 pm "Raiko, the Samurai against the Dragon" by Nestor Varzo
17:00 pm Lecture and demonstration of Origami by Sachiko Higa

Av Figueroa Alcorta
Casares and Av

Palermo Live

By bus to lines 10, 15, 37, 59, 60, 67, 93, 95, 102, 108, 118, 128, 130, 141, 160 and 188.
On the subway line D,
E st. Scalabrini Ortiz . (8 blocks approx.)

4804-4922 / 9141 int: 19

Monday through Friday $ 3.
Saturday Sunday and Holidays $ 4.

Children under 6 years FREE
Between 6 and 10 years $ 1.
(Argentina residents only) Monday to Friday
Sat, Sun and holidays $ 2.
Free, Free

for Argentine residents (Tuesday, 10 to 18 hours.)
(except holidays)

Reports 4804-4922 / 9141 int: 19

Hours Daily from 10 to 18 hours.