Monday, July 23, 2007

Biasi Boiler Manual 24s Pilot

eight rare thing - Ocho cosas raras

directly from Nihon Mon Amour, Núria invites me to follow a meme . Here it is.

The meme of 8 things: Name
curious or eight things that nobody knows and intends to 8 more bloggers.
(LoA: Certainly some will be repeated with a similar old meme.)

1. More than ten years working in technology (read computers) but I started by chance. Was a cadet in a company selling PCs in the holiday needed help in the technical department and then on the "computing" was my thing. Chance, fate, who knows.

2. I like strong alcoholic beverages (20 º or more) and I can take long before "falling" and say "fall" because I do not get drunk and way of being "happy" to "unconscious" in less than a minute. Eg I can take and half a bottle of vodka and walk out without problems, but if I take a drink but I faint.

3. I have a rare and very painful Aicmofobia (but only to the needles), I can not sew, I can not threading a single thread and draw blood or take some medicine for injection is a problem for me. What is really sad that contrary to this phobia, I'm all tattooed !!!!!

4. I have major memory problems, take two parallel agendas and a lot of post-it notes stuck everywhere to remember things, but still forget them (I have to write down everything in great detail to find out that I meant, "shopping" is not a reminder for me, I have to put the complete list.)

5. I love fixing things at home instead of "Bob the builder" am "the arranger Sergio" and not just in my home, my family, friends and even at work (mmm. .. that's not him up!).

6. This is not socially acceptable (I hope not receive a reprimand, I have strong beliefs that support it). No Vote, yes, that is, since reaching the age of majority voting no, I never submit to any election (president, governor, etc, etc, etc).

7. Like absolutely everything, I could not find a food ingredient or cooking style that is completely dislike me (hey, I have not tried the natto ).

8. I hate memes, do not like, I think silly ... I can not help but follow, and not only that I propose, if any meme that walks around for the blogosphere, that if I have a right not to publish them all.

Thanks to all who kept reading this far, I propose for the next crop of memes to anyone who wants it (I have 8 STS bloggers who visit regularly).

Some of the bloggers who did the meme: Núria
(who I pass the baton), and recently Nora Flapy .

completely outside Silly note:
The children's program "Bob the builder" Hit Entertainment was edited for broadcast in Japan. As the original (like many children's products) had four fingers, the producers loved him fifth for the little finger not associated with the 极 道 (Gokudo).


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